It’s not hypocrisy, that’s a big accusation. You just have both parties, real wpvp advocates and whining bonus point seekers on the horde side. It’s not the same people making both the “get good nerd” and “stop camping me” posts.
well speaking form my server the ally has an extra 40k pop then the horde and the horde has even less people with war mode on and no on groups up on horde
Your shard isn’t your server.
Horde still have more ppl with WM on …’and it’s ridiculously easy to shard hop to avoid a raid in the area. It’s easy to retrieve your body if you get camped , it’s easy to clear quests . Be smart and use the sharding tech.
Exactly the same problem as before.
First problem was less of faction 2 because faction 1 was bigger.
But it seems like faction 2 was never lacking. They just didn’t want to come on.
Now that the rules favor the lesser faction, all of a sudden they’ve grown a pair and started playing the game. Even going into the main city to attack.
It was never a matter of “couldn’t do it before”, it was a matter of “wouldn’t”.
But now that the new feature favors a specific faction, this imbalances the game for the other faction.
Because it favors one, what’s the point of the main faction doing world PvP?
I think the solution would be doing a set of World quests that gives a piece of PvP gear. This way the alliance would have to come to horde territory if they want to complete their quests. Horde would have to go to Alliance territory to complete their quests, it gives neither side an advantage and everyone gets something out of it.
The +30% reward bonus is just bringing out the PvPers to play either side for advantages and rewards.
I have seen 6 alliance out of raid since the launch of the xpac.
Devs catering to alliance as usual. Hey blizzard throw us a bone as well will ya
Lollolololololollolol. Oh your serious…
Yes are alts love it. Our mains don’t really need it.
I don’t see how it is the Alliance player’s fault that more people play horde. I mean this whole bandaid was made, due to horde complaints about not enough Alliance it WM. Now there are Alliance and your still complaining.
What’s most ridiculous is it isn’t even close to balanced still. We’re 3 weeks now with Alliance at 30%, meaning severely outnumbered. Horde are just crying because they actually die every now and then.
It’s just more evidence that their “system” doesn’t exist and it’s a static buff for alliance.
It’s evidenced that there are more horde then Alliance.
Yes you cowards needed a buff to participate, Blizzard finally gave into your incessant whining. Congratulations.
You could’ve done that with 10% war mode buff too. But alliance were too cowardly to do it before 8.1.
The reason for the mass population imbalance now is all blizzards fault. This started to pick up at the beginning of Legion when they gave the horde way better racials for PvP that the high-end streamers transferred to horde to min/max and their massive following of people on twitch all hopped on the bandwagon. Then in Legion all the high-end Mythic+ streamers also transferred to horde because the BE silence in high keys was so OP it was a must have in competition. Now with racials closer to each other there isnt any alliance racials that are OP like hordes were to give streamers the incentive to transfer to alliance and get their bandwagon followers to join them. This snowball effect was created by blizzard with horde racials last expansion.
Less than 10% more. That’s even enough. That doesn’t even take into consideration accounts with characters on both sides, multiple on the same side, it’s all nonsense, but it’s the best metric we have. You can deflect all day, but the problem is that the type of person who is attracted to the alliance is not inclined to wpvp.
You contradict yourself in your own post.
You do know there were ally in war mode prior to the bonus, which is base on server pop. It is not a bonus base on a faction. If you don’t like the Alliance having the bonus so often, then roll an Alliance toon and stop bandwagoning one faction.