Horde have a huge advantage

So what happens when in war one country outnumbers another country in numbers? You whine and cry to god to get him to even it out?

Uh… probably yeah. Most probably prayed every night for the war to end.

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alliance feel itself well on my server. I feel like there’s even more allies on mechagon

No not really. More people that like to PVP play hord. Some say class racial is hord bias. Im not sure.
If you play pvp you play hord to win so In a way since hord wins it all there the ones getting and having the golden carrot.
I know its not a golden carrot has such but it is a incentive and a bonus for some.

Why don’t they add Merc mode to WPVP and solve the issue. Let people disguise themselves as opposite faction members like they already do in bgs.

TFW OCE Alliance are the dominating pvp force and have the +25% bonus.

Why am I even horde?

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yeah, came here to tell these real US alli to play on an OCE shard, lel.

How do I get to OCE shard?

The only advantage the Horde has in war mode is that they show up.

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Have an OCE person invite you while you’re both in the same zone.

they should bump it up to 75%

Best solution is to get rid of warmode. Problem solved.

It’s normal when you give choice to people to join teams without limitation. More people will join the winning team which give winning team more advantage. Snowballling even more advantage.

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how about making warmode 1v1 only? Ill fight anyone 1v1 but when I’m fighting a horde I always get jumped by 5 or 6 others

I got a solution to your problem, turn WM off.

That is what i did. Oh and I’m from frostmourne so i know how it feels to get camped by alliance.

OR you can just server transfer to Frostmourne alliance and enjoy a 25% bonus and enjoy corpse camping the 4 horde that still have WM on in the oceanic servers

It’s to the point where I can’t continue to progress in Mechagon with WM on.

It’s just not possible to complete your objectives while being camped by ad-hoc groups of Horde 24/7.

E.g. The kill rare mobs WQ. I couldn’t seem to complete it in WM, when every time you start to fight a rare a group of Horde desends, kills you in 8 seconds, and steals the tag. That is if there already wasn’t a whole raid group worth of Horde that secured the tag on the rare before you even show up.

Dear alliance,

You have to realize there are dailies to kill you 25 times and you’re like finding a rare so yes… We’re going to jump you. That’s the pvp that wow devs have given us, sorry.

<3 horde

25% increase is useless. I had 3 separate pvp battles in Nazjatar on my way to my first quest yesterday. 99% of horde players do not have to deal with that.

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This is actually a good point… why is blizzard still giving out these quests to the Horde? It’s not even pvp for them, it’s basically just griefing.

Why not just make a cap of the number of players allowed in WM for the dominant faction?

Or a timed system with a queue… e.g. if Horde turn on WM they have 60 minutes to do what they need to do and then WM automatically turns off.

I know both systems suck balls for those that truly love PvP and only want to be on a PvP server but having the Alliance hide isnt’ helping either.