Member when P2.5 launched and horde were sitting 35 minute to 1 hour queues to do their R14 grind?
Member when R14 gear was no longer relevant and BG queue times were about equal for horde and alliance?
Member when everyone said reroll alliance if you want faster queues in TBC because blood elves were just going to push the imbalance further?
Pepperidge Farms members.
Member when alliance complained about faction imbalance on PvP servers and horde memed about “PvP happened on a PvP server” and “transfer to a PvE server if you can’t handle it”.
If you’re shocked by the queues you’re sitting right now as horde it’s your own damn fault.
Funny how nobody cares unless the gear matters but try and claim “I just enjoy BGs bros, you gotta let me PvP, this is not fair and I am innocent”.
I like how you bring up pvp happening on a pvp server as if thats relevant at all
You can move to a pve server if you dont want world pvp and you don’t lose any progress on your character, you cant do that in the case of bg queues
Bringing up pvp on a pvp server just shows you’re just another butthurt ally still holding a grudge about phase 2 and grasping at whatever you can to get that revenge you seek
The point was more along the lines of horde did not care about alliance having a negatively impacted experience and are now surprised pikachu that alliance flocked to PvE servers and discovered they don’t actually enjoy or need to PvP to play the game.
This is and will continue to be a player created problem with a player solution.
Expansion just started. Reroll alliance.
I still play on a PvP server. Not butt hurt about anything - I enjoy world PvP immensely and am sad that flying is basically eliminating it.
Stop trying to straw man away the point - there are too many horde players - expansion just started, reroll alliance.
Except in the case of pvp happening on a pvp server, there has always been an option to fix that problem while retaining your character and all the time you have spent on it
In the case of bg queues, there is no service being offered to remedy that problem
And many alliance for some reason dont want to support a faction change service even though it would improve the situation for everyone if it were made available
Horde knew they were going to have an easy time getting to 70. They didn’t complain about the imbalance during leveling… only during BG queues, curious.
This is pure BS. Get on your flying mount and get your hordebutts out of shatt and wpvp between queues. You get 20+ honor per kill… you are getting WAY more hph than Alliance, unless you suck.
Horde want to win every game and get instant queues too. Entitled much?