Looking for more for our 25 man group Thursday nites! Always open to levelers too!
-Message Sömsöc or Cösmös or Aldret or Ixis or Serrof in-game or bnet Kale#11121 or Sieg#1546
Looking for more for our 25 man group Thursday nites! Always open to levelers too!
-Message Sömsöc or Cösmös or Aldret or Ixis or Serrof in-game or bnet Kale#11121 or Sieg#1546
leveling like crazy and forming friendships. Still got the full spectrum of levels and few 70s. Once we do have enough geared 70s, will dip our toes into Kara and ZA hopefully before wrath hits!
forming up and pugging for kara this week or next! if you’ve dinged 70 with some dungeons under your belt, come check us out! Many still also leveling sub 70 too.
Raiding kara this friday 9pm est! Come be a part of something starting! : )
need all fun active discord handful of us always doing someting in game dungeons, pvp, daily’s.
Karazhan 9 bosses killed so far! Can teach the raids! looking for more people to fill out a second raid team to then unite and do gruul/mag together!
Hi! I just transferred to Ashkandi from Pagle and brought about a dozen guildies with me. A couple of us have 70s but most are still leveling up. We wanted to stay together, so we recreated our guild, Are you interested in making friends with another guild? Pagle has a very tiny Horde population, so we didn’t have much opportunity for raiding. We ran Kara every week for a while, but never had enough people for Gruul/Mag. Edit: My mains are Trixlynja (70 hunter) and Priestrix (70 holy priest). Not sure why this posted under an alt’s name.
WoTLK has been announced. Need more people for WoTLK…all are welcome. Currently raiding Friday/Saturday and some Sundays!
Still got some dps spots for wrath! message Cösmös or Sömsöc in game!
Just wondering if you still have room. Looking to move to a new server since my current server is Alliance dominated and there are like only 50 Horde on the server.
Still recruiting a few people! Just message Cösmös or Sömsöc in game! Kale#11121
seeking 1 heals and 2 more dps for our 25 mans. use discord signups weekly! Just message Cösmös or Sömsöc in game! Kale#11121
Looking for more - Thursday 25 man team 8:30-9PM EST start time. Saturday/Sunday as an optional night but we aim to clear all content in one night. Need Hpally, Priests, Hunter, Rogues, Mages, Locks. Pretty much anything but DK atm. Relaxed mature players only. We have fun and clear content.
Still looking to recruit a warlock?
We are recruiting for Thursdays!
2nd 25 team looking for all, Thursdays
Come check us out! Solid wrath community looking for more raiders!
Looking for more to fill our Thursdays. Have some spots for Friday/Saturday!
Seeking all types of classes for Thursday/Friday/Saturday raids! Start time 9 PM Eastern. Cösmös or Sömsöc in game! Kale#11121
come play with a great group of people