Horde got away with murder

That’s rich coming from the race that blows themselves up by the thousands more often than not because of their shoddy engineering


-still loses against an army that forgets to bring gas masks, lul

Sorry. The writers didn’t feel bad enough for us to put any god mode characters on our side.

Alliance had to routinely rely on Jaina deus ex machina-ing her way throughout the battle.

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I personally never said that.

But abandoning your ally and not aiding them in withdrawing too? That’s cold, and unbecoming of allies. What I will say is that the Alliance does have a legitimate argument against the Horde for their abandonment during an allied offensive.

Does it warrant retaliation? No. Certainly not. But blizz isn’t good at writing the narrative pieces in between events.

We could have had a great story about what happened on the Shore, but instead it was locked away behind Rogues only. Only rogues saw this story. That’s garbage. It should have been essential reading for all players.

That is the discussion you jumped in on.

Nothing the Horde could have done would have saved Varian. He chose to die. Just be happy that he didn’t die to Random_Trash_Mob and got to go out in a blaze of glory.

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Unless you disagree with every anti-sylvanas character, Horde didn’t do anything wrong.

This means by Alliance verification, Horde is not evil.

Jaina herself admitted she was wrong, your post is null.

aww, dont be bitter because we actually have useful mages on our side despite you guys having two races that specialize in that stuff.

But hey, at least they can be useful right…? dang, they can’t? Lost against a human? how sad.

That’s what Blizzard has done every time. Because Immediately after that cinematic you referenced, we suddenly had all the troops we need to launch more assaults, and lay siege to Orgrimmar, and fight in Naz’jatar, and so on.

Blizzard flubs the numbers.

Hey, I am happy that the my side isn’t weak enough to have to need a continuous feed of god mode characters to routinely overcome their stupidity.

Which again was just a minor skirmish and not open hostilities.

Hah, you realize that your side is the one that forces writers to make them stupid otherwise your faction would have been obliterated 10 times over, right?

Even so, you were still losing against that stupidity so you know, what does that say about you guys.

Enjoy the plot armor, I guess.

Peace may be lame, but its whats stopping a cohesive story. Cause they cant write division really well, since both sides complain all the time if things dont go their way.

And don’t forget the YEARS of forced labor rebuilding Europe before you can return to the country itself in ruins.

I would like to see the horde cleaning and planting trees.

Specifics weren’t mentioned on that cinematic, but they more or less are followed up on later on when Anduin says “We have enough for one final assault. If this fails we are done.” It’s my contention that Blizz was sending a strong message there. The Alliance can’t afford another war, period.

I don’t agree that a cohesive story can only come about by merging the factions or creating a permanent peace between them. As a writer you can balance out the negative hits one side takes by reciprocating the negativity on the other side - seesaw back and forth, like how Teldrassil and Undercity balanced each other out. It might be more difficult but it’s worth it.

They didn’t do a good job this expansion, I played both sides and Alliance got the story shaft.

I just feel like they are weakest when they have to write faction wars. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say undercity’s loss was balance.

Not storyline wise anyway.

The Horde get a total victory that ends in them destroying a city full of Civvies, and nearly committing genocide.

Meanwhile the Alliance gets a Giant Middle Finger as the horde Nukes it’s own at that point abandoned city with minimal losses.

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Garrosh mana bombed Dalaran just like Slyvanas burned down Teldrassil, so excuse Jaina and Tyrande for wanting to get vengeance for what happened and not sitting on their behinds doing nothing.

Only difference is, the Alliance seems to be more jerks and not being behind Tyrande but were more then happy to help Jaina, and Anduin’s now all “Nah I am gonna sign the peace treaty,” despite Slyvanas is still alive, there are Horde members who helped burned Teldrassil down, and you just know this will somehow turn Tyrande into a bad guy, because the little boy king says we aren’t allowed to do anything.

Difference between these events? Varian was King and wasn’t a stuck up little dumbbell and wouldn’t have rested until Slyvanas was gone.


What’s the difference? If anything Ashran was A LOT bigger

Not really it doesn’t?

This isn’t warhammer, the sides are not forever inconsolable, it’s not some crazy never ending war.

At this point the Faction war is so bloody stale and pointless it’s not even funny.

Also just because alliancea nd horde aren’t killing each other doens’t mean there’s no conflict… so one dimensional.

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The difference is that we were not at war from WoD to Legion.