Horde got away with murder

I never thought you were implying for or against the inclusion of High Elves as a player race.
Though unless I misread you , you seemed to be pushing a Horde is equally bad as the Alliance agenda. A we both have blood on our hands sort of thing so neither of us is morally good but that is just un true. There’s different levels of heinous acts of evil and just because one side has some evil acts it doesn’t balance the scales.
Even the Void Elves and remaining High Elves admit that what the Horde and in association blood elves have been doing is inexcusably wrong.
Horde player seem pretty quick to want to sweep this all under the rug and pretend it didn’t happen , just walk away and break the cycle. But it’s not breaking the cycle because how many times before has the Alliance walked away just to be attacked again and again by the Horde.


You’ve misread me. In fact, if you check my posting history you’ll see I’ve stated I consider myself neutral in the conflict and as a Goblin Holy Priestess, I subscribe to the Aldor. Also one of my most liked posts is this: ~https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/what-are-you-ashamed-of-in-your-own-faction/134437/2 and this: ~https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/theramores-bombing/118412/16

You’ve also not been paying attention to my arguments. I AM a proponent of dropping the conflict, but I’ve also stated neither side can afford another War. Has the Horde done worse because Blizz keeps writing in bad leaders? YUP. Is the Alliance totally innocent? NOPE. However we are being given a unique opportunity of finally putting aside the differences and finally making peace. There is actual change coming to the Horde, a council to ensure no one leader can take over and do bad things again. Council people that actually are OK with the Alliance and don’t wish bad blood between the 2 factions. Heck with Gazlowe taking over the Bilgewater trading opportunities between the 2 factions could go great. But you would ignore all that for revenge, and do exactly what Sylvanas (a traitor I might add) wants. You would ignore all the Horde that WANT out of the cycle or never supported it to hammer home how bad they are. What you do is the height of illogical thinking, and it would cause the ruin of everyone.

I think the black temple has you covered there.

I’ve been trying to pay attention but it’s hard to track what everyone’s stance is through multiple posts. Also I wasn’t going to start reading from the beginning of a 320 plus thread. :stuck_out_tongue:
I haven’t seen any information about the council in game or are people just making assumptions? Either way I think it’s naïve to think the Horde is going to change. Let not forget that even with the horde and alliance combined the number of Horde that were willing to go along with anything Sylvanas did outnumbered the Horde with a concience by a considerable margin.

The Treaty of Versailles didn’t work out so well. Indeed, that example rather makes my point.

Not an assumption at all. It’s a thing, and it’s happening.

Also of course more people followed her. The Milgram experiments showed people tend to bow down to authority figures. Lots of reasons why. Its takes an extraordinary heart to defy a leader in any scenario for good or ill. She also had a habit of killing those in the Horde that defied her so she used fear to rule quite effectively.

Well, then I guess pulling a Potsdam might work better. Dismantling the horde and making their members vassal states to us sounds good enough for me.

In fact, those experiments were an attempt to understand (specifically) why so many ordinary Germans went along with the N@zi Party in WWII. (Odd that N@zi is a banned word. I would have thought it was only offensive under certain circumstances.)

It was an interesting, though morally challenging, experiment.

It really was a fascinating experiment. The facts its results are consistently repeated is rather telling imo.

It won’t work, and surely you know it won’t. It will only create massive resentment that will lead to another war. That kind of settlement is pure revenge, and only people who don’t really want peace would actually propose it.

Don’t get me wrong, the Horde have done some horrible things in the war. But so have the Alliance. And remember, the Alliance haven’t won the war. This isn’t the Horde suing for peace after a defeat. This is the leadership of both factions deciding, more or less simultaneously, that they’re sick of the whole thing.

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Why don’t you just attack the Horde and start a 5th war? You’re just prolonging that outcome by doing what you are suggesting.

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Genocide on a massive scale though burning alive thousands of civilians and destruction of an entire eco system is not being ‘defensive’. You dont answer an assassination attempt with a nuke, unless you are a crack pot government that has no place leading people.

It’s anarchy!
Next they will be inviting the undead into the Alliance.

Perhaps there is truth in your words child of blood. But tell me, what do we get out of this “peace”? What do you have to offer for us?

Do you honestly think that Teldrassil, Gilneas, and Theramore is an equal payment to what happened to Saurfang and the Sunreavers in Dalaran?

The horde has taken a lot of things from us. Things that cannot be replaced so easily. You lot are responsible for our losses. You have also lost plenty of things, but that is hardly comparable to our losses. Whilst we lose things because of outside forces and your acts of aggression, you lose things because of yourself; your own deeds and misplaced trust in Hellscream and Windrunner. Your losses does not count as payment for our losses. In the end of the day, you lot still have to “pay” us up.

Even if peace is achieved and we didn’t demand anything from you, what would become of the Night Elves and Worgens? They no longer have a kingdom or even a city because you took them away. Do you honestly think that they’ll take the peace offer knowing that still can’t and perhaps might never go back to their beloved home again? How would you feel if we sacked silvermoon, exile your people, and fill the city with members of the silver covenant and the void elves? I may not be a Darnassian or a Gilnean, but they’ve been with me through thick and thin. I can’t just leave them to become homeless beggars roaming the streets of Stormwind.

As the title said, you “got away” again. I do not seek vengeance. We seek retribution.

And that would be the first lie the boy king will serve unto your table, just like the prophecy said.

Do you think Elune granted her boon to Tyrande for nothing? Do you think Greymane can easily forget about his son? Do you think the ex-Loredaeran people within our fold have forgotten their home? Do you think the once citizens of the mighty highborne empire now turned beggar because of their compassion would just let you get away with it?



Not as genocid as the Alliance. They’re causing a cataclysmic flood that will kill thousands with all their crying.

Massive scale? It was only the one city! Hell, even without nukes, the Allies wiped several cities in Europe off the map in WW2, by straight firebombing them until there were literal fire tornadoes running through the streets.

That will be the day. Never gonna happen.

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She’s also not dead…well dead dead. It’s only a matter of time before her supporters start drumming the drums of war again.
Though maybe this will lead to them adding a 3rd or 4th faction. Since the Horde has been pretty much divided and the NE seem poised to go their separate way from the Alliance.

Can you imagine what the Male Human Paladins would say if the Alliance allowed it? You would never hear the end of it.

Only peace itself. Is that not worthwhile?


Not all the Horde, no. Most of them did not participate in, or endorse, the incidents you refer to. The Horde is not a democracy. Members of the Horde don’t get a say in the actions of the Horde. Nor can people choose a faction. They’re born to it.

Again, the Horde is not suing for peace after having lost the war. Therefore it is fruitless to demand reparations. If a peaceful resolution to the war is turned down simply because of the lack of reparations, then I guess you actually don’t want the war to end.

As an IRL parallel, think of this current situation as being more like Northern Ireland, and less like WWI or WWII.

Now this is a serious question, and a knotty one. But does it counter the overwhelming benefits of peace for both the Alliance and the Horde?

The key here isn’t the actions of the Horde. Nothing the Horde does, including reparations, is going to soothe the Night Elves. No, the key here are the actions of Anduin. Because at the moment Tyrande is about as pissed off with Anduin as she is with the Horde.

Ultimately, whether a peace can truly be brokered lies with those two individuals.

Absolutely the same thing.

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