it is obvious that they will be the major villains next expansion.
all the focus of the spotlight that the nelfs didn’t got, probably are going to have it next expansion.
Azshara is not dead either.
Only rasthakan… the guy who was only mentioned like 2 times in the alliance side in the entire wow history.
He wasn’t really a Horde leader either… he was anti joining the Horde… But yeah I guess we could claim him as a Alliance kill a Horde character since the Horde players have been with the Zandalari through BFA
Well, it is not exactly obvious. They could very well pull an Illidan 2.0 on Sylvanas and I think this is more likely to happen. We’ll have to see but I can almost guarantee you that they won’t make Sylvanas and Nathanos villains in a sense that we will kill them like other villains.
Remember, they’re their favorites.
As such, speaking of the story rather than player views, in the setting the Horde in general is not treating having to hunt Sylvanas and Nathanos down as a punishment.
Because having a constant sense of righteous moral outrage actually makes people feel good about themselves. It’s stressful and bad for social gatherings, but it allows people ti sit back and go “I am so much better than these degenerates. Look at my outrage! bask in my indignation!”
it’s a real thing. The brain actually churns out endorphins to this stuff. It’s a massive stroking of the ego, and serves to affirm a person’s sense of “Rightness.” it’s the driving factor of “outrage culture,” in all political angles. someone’s always outraged about something, not necessarily because it’s worth outrage, but because it makes them feel good to express their outrage.
I am honestly not sure what exactly would count as revenge. Really there is no real way to punish the horde. I mean you could say their punishment is the be the naylotha meat shield given they have the bugger numbers so get sent in more. Still i mean what does it accomplish the horde has like no charscters killing npcs wont affact anything it is just pointless. Just hope we kill sylvsnas next expansion.
Thank for sharing this. We can clearly see that he is the one calling you stupid which is against the code of conduit. I’ve flag his post for being inappropriate.
Dude, I sort of understand you, I’ve been into WC Lore since I was idk, WC2. I hate, as much as you hate Nelf deconstruction, I hate how they are treating Sylv and other chars.
But as much as I want someone to pull blizzards ears and slap them for lazy writing… gotta prepare for them not to. The company whose focus was to create fun amazing games is long gone for the capitalist one.
Perhaps but it depends on whether your talking about the Horde as a fictional organization or as a group of the playerbase.
Really it doesn’t really matter for squat what the fictional organization sees it as. What matters most is how players perceive it. Same with things like Darkshore and Dazar’Alor being revenge for Teldressil.