Horde Friendly/Neutral Taverns/Socials

Hey y’all!

I’m wondering what Horde-friendly and/or neutral Horde-compatible tavern events there are on the server. There seems to be a gathering in the Valley of Honor on Monday nights, but I haven’t had much luck with finding if it’s tied to anything or if there’s a routine schedule. I realize that the Horde population can be a little scarce, and attending Alliance-sponsored but neutral events is also an option (which I’m also interested in). Any information would be appreciated!


The Rusty Nail meets each Tuesday night at Rustberg Village in Tol Barad from 7 to 9 server time. It is a neutral tavern.


Thanks, Leo!

Yes we run The Rusty Nail every Tuesday, and it has other events around that community as well on other days of the week. There is a discord listed in our thread. All are welcomed, including other RP servers.