Horde favoritism is ruining WOW

Arguing about which side won the BfA story is like arguing about who stepped in less dog poop.


We all lost.


I meant the topics that people post saying there is bias.
It’s not even a little reasonable that there could be bias in regard to the factions. Any company that cares to make money isn’t going to allow such a thing to enter their game.
Alliance ‘bias’ Horde ‘bias’ are trolling topics, imo.


Again with this “Horde bias” bs?

Horde: sneezes



The Horde story was interesting and the Horde didn’t lose. Blizzard had to make the Alliance have some gains in the war because they lost Teldrassil in a genocidal fashion while Undercity was evacuated.

So they’re just trying to be fair. Also lore is not the concern here. The population is.

Blizzard won’t treat the Hardcore community as 2 separate playerbases so this causes every hardcore participant in the challenging content to know that Horde is where the population goes to. If you become a participant, which 100% of Hardcore participants are a single homogeneous non-split group of people, they choose to go Horde over 90% of the time.

If Blizzard is going to commit to the faction divide they need to start treating the Alliance and Horde as 2 separate games because that’s what its’ really like. 2 separate communities.

Until each community get’s its due and it’s own attention by building up both communities, mainly the Alliance here, then only Cross-faction PVE will fix the issue.

This is a problem because Blizzard treats both the Horde and Alliance as the same community. They treat everyone as a WoW player. This is wrong because it doesn’t solve the issue of population and participation imbalance. Every hardcore participant 90% of the time chooses Horde because that’s the watering hole everyone decided back in WOD.


I don’t really consider Sylvanas a loss, nor Gallywix.


There are some very real issues that need to be addressed with the Alliance.

Problem is the Alliance playerbase here loses their mind at the smallest little thing so people devalue their complaints.


Did you even play the horde story? There is no denying the horde lost.


/picks one single point, ignores the rest, and acts like the whole xpac was about Teldrassil.

A+ Alliance.

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wtf are you talking about? That wasn’t your attack on Orgrimmar, it was ours and we couldn’t manage to eject our own faction leader without Alliance help.


That’s why as an Alliance player myself I find it stupid to be concerned over little things like cosmetics or races. That’s just not the issue we’re discussing. The issue is that the Hardcore participants want the watering hole for raiding and pvp. That’s the Horde.

Blizzard needs to facilitate a watering hole on the Alliance. Cross faction would fix the problem but hey, if Blizz wants to commit to a faction divide then ACTUALLY commit to treating both factions like 2 separate communities instead of 1.


Alliance side questline: unite Kul’Tiras and have them join the Alliance
Horde side questline: clean up the Zandalari’s mess, fail anyway, watch them get bopped


You mean that in order for the Horde to get any wins, we had to become Alliance.

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You’re right, we’re just support characters this horde expansion. :wink:


Unique thread OP 11/10

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Lore-wise Legion felt a lot like an Alliance expansion. I think that part is fair but with Sylv A N U S taking the lead in the story it’s turning into probably another Horde expansion.

That’s still not the issue.

The watering hole for Hardcore participants in this game is on the Horde and that’s why 90% of them are there now. Blizzard needs to facilitate a watering hole on the Alliance and divide the Hardcore community.


It’s pointless to respond to you until you actually answer substantive points so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Alliance breaks the cease-fire, Alliance attacks a sovereign nation and then is offended enough to start a whole war with them, Alliance wins every engagement.

“Horde bias! Why aren’t the Alliance ever the aggressors!”

I give up on you people, I really do.


Its tricky. High end raiders went horde for racials, then copycats followed, now people go for larger talent pool.

Dunno how to fix, its a player based issue.

Perfect race choice, 10/10.

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We don’t know how, right. It’s a player based issue and not for us to fix but its an issue for Blizzard to fix.

They want to commit to the faction divide so Blizzard needs to either do cross-faction PVE or facilitate a watering hole on the Alliance.

I don’t know how to fix it, but they need to make that Alliance watering hole. Dunno how. :thinking:

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