Horde favoritism is ruining WOW

Especially with Dev team playing the horde, alliance characters will never be as good. Just look at what they did to Mechagnome racials.

The horde favoritism is the source of all evil and faction imbalance.


The horde just lost on every conceivable scenario for bfa, aside from being disbanded, there is no bias. It is a myth and a meme.


With Favoritism like this, who needs enemies?

You soak up all the 'Favoritism" for the next 3 expansions. I’d be happy to see the alliance rip themselves to shreds, because apparently blizzard decided to kill off a buncha characters both on and off screen that make no sense, just to drive a terrible plot forward.

I’ll happily be sitting in the back handing out popcorn.


I feel like it’s a legitiment complaint when none of that winning happens in-game, but is a footnote in Blizzcon panel or forced behind a book.


I guess you can’t just accept it???

Come over to the dark side :wink:

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That’s why every single MDI team runs horde though. You can’t argue with things like that having a spotlight on them.


MDI != Story Bias.

Who even -cares- about mdi? Besides the tiny fanbase that apparently likes mythic+ too much.


I spent all of legion on horde working with humans, night elves, and draenei or riding their spaceship. Nothing changed because we are still losing leaders left and right and also every battle for the sake of “lore”.


Than let’s look at every top tier raiding guild. Dude this isn’t some made up complaint it’s obvious and it’s real. Players that want to do mythic level content will be forced to play horde. The player base alone hampers alliance with raiding groups demanding 25 people. Set it back down to 10 and it balances it somewhat but at 25 on many servers as alliance you won’t find a mythic raid.


It’s a fair point I suppose. I have Horde toons already but I like alliance better for some reason. Indoor plumbing is nice. :wink:


Most of our losses are in game and most of their wins are too, i really hate this excuse.

Take each zones story.

The alliance achieves their goal and wins in every zone.

The horde fails in their goal and loses in every zone.

Take the over all horde story and alliance story.

The alliance heroically stops ashvane and reclaims their fleet.

The horde watches the last seal get broken despite their efforts and an old god unleashed.

Take the war campaign. Everything the horde succeeds at the alliance promptly undoes in their quests.

The alliance even get a cutscene of them destroying the zandalari fleet, the whole reason the horde went to them in the first place and they kill the zandalari king who was all but a horde leader at that point.

Both warfronts are confirmed alliance victories.

Even the sylvanas stuff results in horde leaders dying and a reform of their leadership system while promptly surrendering to the alliance and losing the war.

Sure the horde got some stupid cutscenes of saurfang being sad big whoop. Id have rather won the war.

Only 2 of those things are off screen. The rest are all in game.


The Alliance could get punched in the face twice and still complain that the Horde got 3 punches. 3 is a bigger number and its wrong that they get more attention.


That is a communtiy created problem more than anything. Blizzard cant force us to play another faction, and that isnt favortism.


Really believe it’s trolling.


O even the MDI players have said the routes in dungeons as horde are much easier. You obviously just want to beat the for the horde drums.


Horde has lost 3 Warchiefs, 2 Army Commanders and every War since Wrath.

Claims Horde bias by Devs. lol


Must have missed that. Which one of your races did we genocide, again? Wait, one would just be even steven for the one you got.

Which 2 or more did we genocide off the face of Azeroth? Since we apparently won. Not saying you’re wrong, but I clearly wasn’t paying attention.


There are no horde only dungeons or alliance only dungeons for mythic. We all play the same ones. The only time it is “faction locked” is while leveling, and who cares in leveling dungeons?


Maybe in story but in game play the Horde are absolutely catered to not one doubt in that whatsoever


Alliance bias. Most night elves already have a head start entering the shadowlands :laughing: