Says the void elf.
Since velfs came out, according to wowpop, Belfs went from 32% to 16%.
Y’all are fine.
Says the void elf.
Since velfs came out, according to wowpop, Belfs went from 32% to 16%.
Y’all are fine.
That’s already on the list of things that have supposedly killed/ruined wow. You’ll have to come up with something a bit more original if you want to contribute.
As far as story goes, perhaps. As far as gameplay, it’s the polar opposite.
This is why a “team v team” theme in MMO’s don’t work.
WoW has had it for 15 years. It seems to be working just fine
Just play both sides. That’s clearly what the devs are hoping you’ll do.
And that’s why alliance and horde have 50/50 win rate on all bgs right? Oh wait…horde have well over 60% win rate on all of them. I wonder why…
Horde players can adapt to the enemy, while Alliance victories require premades from servers where players obsessively abuse exploits. That’s why.
US RealmPoP you mean where Max level representation where 19.5 of the entire playerbase is belf. More then Orc, Troll, Tauren, and Goblin combined.
Blood Elves should become the third faction.
Whenever I see this, I remember how important the Alliance is to the devs’ satirical sense.
speaking of horde favoritism…and trust me, Im mainly horde so this doesnt actually bother me at all…but did they really make it so its two HORDE races that are uber fast at mining and herbalism (Tauren and Highmountain Tauren) ?
I know that worgen skin really fast, but frankly, who cares. If I have to spend time fighting it to get its skin, Im not really going to cry about an extra second skinning it.
I dont play all the races, especially not on the alliance side, are there really no alliance races that can get herbs or ores faster than normal?
Holy Moly!
I write a post, go away for a couple of days and so many responses!
The topic must be hotter than I thought!
I am still in the process of reading the replies but for those of you who are still not convinced, here is another proof.
How many fur-races does the alliance have?
The answer?
Yes only one furry race, Worgen
and how many does the horde have?
Tauren, High mountain Tauren, and now Vulpera with 8.3
not only that, they got op racials like faster herbing and mining
I mean COME ON~~!!! Is this justice???
And your stubbornness in the face of being demonstrably wrong is impressive.
Here are the dungeon guides. Feel free to point out where they differentiate in Horde vs Alliance routes, starting points, or anything else.
Whoever knew a bunch of flame catapults fired from Darkshore and landing on Teldrassil would be the catalyst to bring the Night Elves to the Shadowlands first.
Oh the irony, when you guys got the god mode racials.
You get to win both Warfronts canonically, though there’s no way to show it in-game because it’s basically a washing machine of a zone just sudsing round and round.
Sure there is. Blizzard should have made two final warfront quests. You’re on defense and Alliance NPCs roll through your defenses.
Try as you might, you barely escape with your life, when you are called to the other warfront.
But the horde are protected from that kind of loss, which is what we felt at Teldrassil.
The horde just lost on every conceivable scenario for bfa, aside from being disbanded, there is no bias. It is a myth and a meme.
storyline doesnt directly affect a major part of gameplay experience
zoning into nazjatar with wm on as alliance and dying before you even finish loading, however, does
That is a communtiy created problem more than anything. Blizzard cant force us to play another faction, and that isnt favortism.
Remove blood elves from horde and see how imbalanced the factions are.
When a faction has a more “rebel” backstory and subjectively better aesthetics of course they’re going to be more popular. Especially to angsty teens/kids who have more time to play, and are probably the biggest source of new players joining this game.
vanilla Alliance players didn’t all roll horde, they retired from semi serious gaming while the horde kept getting most of the fresh teenagers for almost a decade.
When I chose horde 15 years ago it was because the actual definition was anarchistic, rebellious and warlike. Alliance, by contract, felt very vanilla to me plus I didn’t like that alliance had human races in a fantasy game. Aside from that I think a population behaviorist would find some curious results around the demographics, niches, segments, likes and dislikes of both factions. I tend to think horde have always loved pvp therefore this expansion was always going to exacerbate this disparity.
storyline doesnt directly affect a major part of gameplay experience
Maybe not for you, but i dont like being on the losing side of every war or having my factions ideals and leadership change every other xpac. Story line has been a huge focus point on this game since mists when they upped their storytelling game.
When a faction has a more “rebel” backstory and subjectively better aesthetics of course they’re going to be more popular. Especially to angsty teens/kids who have more time to play, and are probably the biggest source of new players joining this game.
vanilla Alliance players didn’t all roll horde, they retired from semi serious gaming while the horde kept getting most of the fresh teenagers for almost a decade.
Yes players will choose their faction based on the aesthetic and style they prefer. Blizzard cant change the fact that some people like the “rebel faction” more other than removing it from the game.
Especially to angsty teens/kids who have more time to play, and are probably the biggest source of new players joining this game.
These are also not the ones doing half the content people complain about which is high end pvp, mythic dungeons, and mythic raiding. If we are talking overall the split is not that big. 53:47 if remember right at 120 and almost evenly split including all levels.
There is no faction bias by blizzard, it is a myth and meme.
zoning into nazjatar with wm on as alliance and dying before you even finish loading, however, does
Really because when i did that on horde i got wrecked by alliace, because sharding doesnt always have you placed in a balanced shard.