Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles


There is 1 more polygon on orcs buttox than on Draeneis’ male left hoof!!11one

shock emoji


Humans yeah, nelves got a few things, and a scar named Teldrassil because blizz loves to mock them.

I mean a lot of things were in WoD like draenei tails, doesn’t change they are just available now. Not before.

On the flip side, if you don’t care much for blood elves or void elves, all we got was a clone of a race that had very little effort put into it and half the options,mostly purples and blues until recently, and the other options are right there already in the game.

Nightborne are lanky messy versions of night elves but I feel they will eventually go back and fix them more and give them much better options around 9.2 so they will be a pretty solid race.

Curious to see what they do in 9.2 or so.

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Yeah but it’s still not much for a core race, and I think allied races will get their turn later. So it’s not a faction thing. It’s just a core race thing.

Now if they were a Panda, I could see their complaint.

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Haha… nice! Got em.

Now do Night Elf & Nightborne. :unamused:


Oh I agree with that.

I do hope ARs get stuff later. Some like highmountain are pretty much pointless now and lightforged and mag’har aren’t far behind that.


25 Hairstyles

Geez Elves…


Dear people who didn’t get the main thing from the message,
specifically for you exact same models,
so all shared hairstyles literally one click away for blizzard.

Oh gee I wonder why.

Oh yeah void elves aren’t even a core race! Just a lame excuse to get the high elf crybabies to shut up.

The void elves do not deserve to get as much as the real race.

(Or be an existing race at all.)


The same can be said for all races, allied and non though.
People were initially happy when they got new elves, it was only after release people wanted more and new options.

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At least half of your new customization isnt a bunch of useless jewelry…


I don’t mind if they change to give us all the same hairstyles. I don’t even care really if they give the same hair colors. But we didn’t get much more than other core races, besides Pandas and Goblins.

Who are in more need of attention for the customization pass that was only meant for core races.

I truly believe that all races should be available to both factions,
and (COMES SHOCKER) racial talent should be selectable.

They are a playable race either way and players of it should get treated as well as other characters. Regardless what belves crybabies say.

Doesn’t mean they have to give to you those hairstyles.
I agree velves need more but I don’t think they should get a bunch of the belf ones just because.

Yeah so remove factions aka the death of wow.

:worried: sowwy

Yeah, nice… you’re killing it!

Like Night Elves and Nightborne. Exact same models. Do those next.


You afraid that immediately 80% of horde will leave and RUN back to the alliance if that happens?
Mhm, indeed.

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The problem is everytime they add new customization to Blood Elves, Emo Elves comes out of the toilet and spam nonsense like this.


I’m just meaning if you aren’t being all “but you got the PRESTIGIOUS and most popular race!” types of people. If you look at it from a comparison of effort, It’s literally barely anything. It’s nothing really fully unique besides essentially shadow priests high elves made into a race.

Some were happy they got elves until they realized it’s not Alleria like that can swap, look exactly like a high elf etc and no options to do so then barely any of blood elves options. Just blue and purple at the time until recently. same with their hair color. They have very little effort put into them in comparison to all other allied races, even HMT, LFD, and Maghar orcs. The only different feature they have is glowy tentacle hair. That’s all I mean it by.