You’re only level 16 Ithiliell, it’s not too late to accept your mistake and reroll back on Grob.
I’ll leave my Horde toons where they are. But I will come roll some allies on DD.
Lies. I was just in a TM raid and we secured all of northern Hillsbrad. There’s too much war left to retire to the peace and quietness of DD.
Why would I leave ED 2.0? Why would anyone?
Because ED sucked compared to Ravenholdt glory days
DD will be a barren wasteland on 2-3 months.
I heard there was plenty of erp on DD.
Grob is 51% ally, 49% horde currently and is one of the most balanced servers overall.
When you only count players who are level 60, Grobullus actually has MORE horde than alliance … however I’m sure alliance will catch up soon and it will be fairly balanced overall again.
So no. I won’t be transferring off a very balanced high pop server that no longer has a queue.
Plus the WPvP has been amazing for me so far on this server, and PvP etiquette is overall very good. Most people leave each other alone to level and if they don’t , back up is always around to join the fight.
You’d be inane to leave
I agree with almost everything Charax has said in this thread.
We on DD have been trying to get this player and other like them to stop making these sort of posts. Clearly they are not getting the hint or just trolling to begin with.
Roll on what ever realm you choose.
Maybe once BG PvP is brought online I’ll get a chance to see some of yall in game.
“Tired of being on a server where your faction is slightly underpopulated? Move to a server where your faction is massively underpopulated!”
Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
Honestly everybody should just start reporting this person for spamming and advertising because that is exactly what they are doing.
Many years ago i rolled on Malorne server, following some friends. Time passed and they stopped playing. All i did was pvp, so i searched for a server with a good reputation for high level pvp, found one, and transferred there. This was well before “we’re all on 1 big server so the name doesn’t matter”.
My point is that servers have reputations, and though it’s still early in that process, you’re tarnishing yours.
I say let the OP continue his attempt to get grobbies to move to DD. Perhaps those that transfer will be the folks who never intended to RP.
We welcome all grobbulus players to DD!
your server is disgusting and we want none of it or its poachers.
Go away.
How not surprising… Grobbulus players being mean for no reason…
And yet here you are;
campaigning to get us to come to your server…
not you tho
Flag his posts for spam and move on. Don’t respond.