Horde Druids, who has the best default forms?

Kind of wondering what everyone’s opinion is on who has the best default forms among Horde Druids.

(I am in no way asking because I’m desperately attempting to figure out my Druid situation for I am indecisive.)

I like regular trolls for the colors. 2nd choice probably Highmountain for me. But then again Zandalari got da Mosasaur…



Troll, in my opinion. Am I biased? Maybe.

That’s a tough one. HMT moose form is bis travel form, imo. Ztroll has the best boomy and aquatic forms, however. Troll for cat, tauren for bear.

Just do what I did and make one for each race :+1:

Zandalari Troll no contest….


Kul Tiran

Edit: Okay, honest answer because Horde.

I actually find the standard troll forms most amusing. I do wish bear form were more interesting though.

Zandalari is great but the cat form always looks awkward to me (“cat” form)

No you’re right we do have the best forms. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Dino-cat, Dino-cat, does whatever a Dino-cat can.

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Night Elf is always the right answer.

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troll. hands down. troll=master race.

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Surprised how many like zandalari. I smell :billed_cap:. You almost never seen anyone maining them lol. The cat form is trash. The bear form is just okay. Wish it was a little bulkier and more threatening.

Their aquatic form is probably the best thing I’ve ever seen ngl. But you almost never swim in this game so GG.

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Absolutely the best.

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The only correct answer.

Zandalari by a long shot.

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Trolls hands down.

Zandalari would win if they went raptor for the cat form instead of making a cat reptile up.

Raptor cat form and the lil compy for the travel form would have been amazing.

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Troll feral for sure. Best druid form overall.

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Zandalari moon chicken is amusing but Troll is better for everything else

Flat out Tauren do. Original horde drood is still the best.


Zandalari, hands down. I had zero interest in playing Druid until Zanda Dinomancers and Kul Titan Thornspeakers were added.


Blue cat with bright hair. Adorable little snoots and they get bones, just in time for spooky month. :skull_and_crossbones:

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