Horde Druids, who has the best default forms?

I have always felt like Darkspear troll cat and bear forms look like they took a walk in the bad part of town, got bad drugs, passed out and got spray-painted by vandals.


I find most appealing in some way, with the exception of the Zandalari dino forms. They look so stupid to me, esp tanking form.

Tauren/Highmount Tauren

The others be extra.

Why must it be hands down? We druids have paws, thank you!

Seriously though, I mained Zandalari for the most interesting forms. I don’t see a lot of them around though, so I think most people prefer them as alts.

I like all the forms, but I do get told my boomkin is a dino-turkey and they say my bear form apparently looks like a turtle or some hunter’s pet.

Who cares what other people think though. They’re all fun. Plus if you don’t like your colours you can change it at the barber shop and there’s alternate cat or bear you can get from Legion artifacts and with Mage Tower.

So many options!

Not with Mage Tower, forever locked. Thanks daddy Blizz.

Trolls have the nicest looking for Cat form but Bears definitely look more intimidatingly cooler on Tauren, especially Highmountain. I dunno about their travel forms, both flight and ground forms since it is pretty much thematic which is nice in their own right. If I were to say Zandalari, it would be unfair because its all dinomancy related and of course they’d stand out FAR more than any other race, even outside of the Horde. They win in their own right but I don’t care about Zandalari as much as the other races.

I personally like Highmountain because they look nicer overall as druids.

Thats because Zandalari racials arn’t very good for druid… they have the best looking forms, but they make some of the worst druids mechanically…

High mountain probably
Unless u like dinos then zandalari

Zandalari troll, for sure!

I can’t play trolls. I just can’t. It’s too bad, too, because if I could stand them, my horde druid dilemma would be resolved!

My picks:

Cat - Tauren
Bear - Zandalari
Moonkin - They’re all good TBH, hate Zandalari’s jump animation though
Tree - Nah
Land Travel - Zandalari
Water travel - Glyph required
Flight - Zandalari

I really wanted to like cat Zandalari but the head ruins it for me.

Cat- Zandalari / Trolls / HM Tauren
Bear - HM Tauren / Trolls / Zandalari
Moonkin - Zandalari / HM Tauren
Travel - Zandalari / HM Tauren

Zandalari were cool af when they came out, but after playing with the forms for a few years the coolness has leveled out imo.

I’m partial to Tauren/Highmountain Tauren for Druid forms. Love their storm crow and eagle forms, and bear and lion forms as well.