Horde controlled Darkshore

It’s kinda hard to use the land with insurgents trying to take it back.

Didn’t stop the Horde in Ashenvale during Cata. Doesn’t stop them during the Warfront.

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Undead and blood elf fans apparently.




RIP getting any land back. NE hobos for forever.

Though this pattern doesn’t bode well to Forsaken and the Eastern Kingdoms, they appear more than content with wholesale destruction.

Jeez just cuz they like it doesn’t mean they wanna live in it, Gotta show they still have class and respect for their homeland.

A) That has rarely stopped any offensive force. Goblins in Azshara built an entire speedway and carved Gallywix’s face into a mountain, all while Kaldorei forces continually assaulted them. They didn’t blow the whole forest up - which is saying something for goblins. Apparently now goblins possess more restraint than Forsaken.

B) Insurgents suggest rebellion against a governing authority. Kaldorei are not subject to the governing authority of the Forsaken - they are enemy soldiers to the Horde attempting to reclaim their land.


Getting real sick of your :poop: Forsaken


To be fair, not really except Nathanos who stares at the forest with seething hatred when you finish the main DS storyline. That and Forsaken hate nature in general, they prefer dead plantlife and have said as much since Vanilla.

Also to be fair, this is pretty much exactly what i’d do in this military situation. The Night Elves claim the forest is their ally…so kill the forest. Nathanos also sends you missions to burn the forest and desecrate their shrines to antagonize and demoralize the Night Elves.


i don’t think that is demoralizing them, is quite the opposite.


I don’t know, despite their whole vengeance stick the army of the Black Moon seems just as susceptible to psychological warfare as anything else with a pulse.


So, yeah … it seems like pretty much what I thought. They want the NEs to invest in a front in Darkshore and are doing things to put a fire under them to do just that. It falls in line with Sylvie’s goal to split the Alliance down the Kal’dorei line, and its a good way to push the Alliance to overextend. Funnily enough, if that’s what the Horde is doing, then Darkshore might be the most appropriate Warfront in the game lol. Its meant to be inconclusive and bog down the NEs in a resource draining swamp of a warfront; one which is far less costly for the Horde to upkeep.


Pretty much, the whole thing screams trap to me. The Forsaken win and the Night Elves back is broken forever, the Forsaken lose and they just slash and burn their way back to Org while diverting resources to strike at the EK. It certainly lines up with Windrunners original plan to divide and conquer.


As a side note, while we may be vile as hell … God I love when Bilgewater and Forsaken work cooperatively. When our two factions are just allowed to do what we do best, and fight as dirty as we want … man we do some fun (horrific, but fun) things. :smiley:


I mean, as much as the optics of this are “ugh”, this would be the kind of thing where I would concede “ruthless pragmatism” IF they made this line of thinking clear: “We’ll pressure them into fighting for this land and bleed them dry doing it.” I would like that to be the stated reason somewhere, and not leave it up to mustache-twirling.


To be candid I don’t see this as much more vile then anything else we’ve done so far, then again who knows what Blizz intends since Derek is supposed to be some big dividing line with us.

I should point out that the Forsaken rationalize they do this in the Warfront. Faranell points out the forest is a massive hindrance to their army. The trees are the Night Elves ally and wherever they go they risk the NE’s from circling around their army and hitting their back, so logically the only thing to do is equip the blight and arm the Goblins with flamethrowers to make sure the NE’s have no cover.


How can you slander this gentle, nature loving people so? They love GREEN things, with mostly all natural ingredients even!


As always in this conversation, I once again see it the opposite as you. What resources are the Night Elves draining? Any damage done when the Horde holds Darkshore is undone when the Alliance holds Darkshore, and doesn’t require any resources for the Night Elves to undo the damage but nature magic, which is not shown to be a “resource” in that it’s not finite. The Forsaken and Goblin buildings and the blight, these are all things that the Horde has to spend their resources on to restock, resupply, and rebuild every time they decide to lay waste to the land that the Night Elves can simply restore and regrow with no actual cost to the Night Elves or the Alliance.

And with the raid on Zandalar being successful and even Nathanos claiming after that the Alliance is within reach of victory on all fronts after, narratively is would support more that it was the Forsaken forces being at Darkshore that cost the Horde the loss of Rastkhan and the Zandalari fleet, rather than the Night Elves costing the Alliance their success at Zandalar.


Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong. The tactics are sound. The NEs do rely on nature as an ally, and even more so the majority of their tactics rely heavily on friendly terrain to really smash down their opponents. There is a genuine reason to destroy the environment in the area, and the Gob and Forsaken have proven to particularly adept at doing just that (and are perfectly willing).

However, in doing so they also hurt the morale of the NEs AND simultaneously keep them invested in the Front (in a very, see what we’ll do when you leave? Who will protect you’re land from us when your gone?) sort of way. Like I said before, the Horde has never had a better military commander in charge than Sylvie, and her chief skill is knowing when and where to use each race. This is an example of that.


If, and only if, that race is Goblin or Forsaken, apparently.