Chapter Four is a casual raid guild comprised of people who have gamed together since the original TBC and others who have joined along the way. For most of us, TBC was our favorite expansion and we plan to live it all over again to the fullest!
Raid times are Tues , Thurs 8-11 Est with an optional Sunday raid. While we do consider ourselves casual, as we all have families now, we do expect our raiders to be prepared, knowledgeable, and able to handle constructive criticism should the need arise. To put it simply, we aren’t going to attempt to clear Kara in the first 2 weeks but we will not wipe 50 times on Curator.
Currently in need of 1 Warrior or Druid tank, and 4 non-mage dps for our 2nd Kara group but all are welcome as we get closer to a full 25 team.
That being said, we welcome anyone that just wants to pvp, level alts, or just hang out. Drama is unwelcomed, we’re all too old for that! 
If interested, hit me up in game on Ashkandi or add me Blucifer#11730 ( Yes Serenity, the nickname stuck! )
Thank you and happy hunting!
^. Looking for some good people to kill all the things with us. I’m looking at you, elemental shaman… maybe even the fluffle bird in the corner.
Seconded. I joined up a few months ago. This group helped me get keyed for KZ and we’ve been running it every week. We’d love to get another team going and get into 25 man content.
Back up, or as auto correct wanted, snack options. But…Snack options are definitely available…punch and pie.
Anyways. Still looking for good people to fill out the 2nd team and 25s
Grats on the Sprite kill this evening peoples. 

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Been with these folks for years. Looking for more to fill out a 25!
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10/10 Kara, still looking for more for a 2nd 10 man and 25 man content!
Still looking for more for team 2 / 25s
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Still looking for dps to join us as we move closer to 25s.
Are you a rogue or a ret pally that doesn’t get invites? We value the journey, not the parses.
People making fun of your Boomy dance? We LOVE the boomy dance!
Every member that joins C4 feeds 200 impoverished children in Chile. ( The is no factual proof confirming or denying this)
I’ve really come to enjoy running dungeons and raids with my fellow Chapter Four guild mate, the old and the new. A really good group of people!
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At this point we just need dps for a 2nd 10 man. For 25’s we could use any dps and a couple of healers. Not a raider and just want cool people to hang with? We have plenty of room for you too! Worried your dps or hps may not be good enough? Who cares!!!?? We value the person over the pixels.
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Hi, I’ve added you and look forward to meeting you in game. I’ve newly transfered and looking for a guild with people as you describe. It is a game after all and it should be about having fun in my opinion. I’m on almost every night, hit me with a whisper. Thanks, Nezzarro.
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Welcome Nezz! Still need more dps and a few heals!
I know there’s still some people out there that want to experience the content in a laid back atmosphere. So come find us, we do have refreshments. They are free tomorrow… always tomorrow.
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Chapter Four is looking for healers and dps ( More Warlocks and Boomkin would be great, but all are welcome!) for 25s on Tues / Thurs 8pm-11PM. We can help get you attuned! Find us in game, or add me on Battlenet found in the OP.
We are currently running 2 10 man teams and Gruuls/Mag every Thursday.
^^ looking forward to hopping into the p2 raids soon once we have the team filled out.
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Checking in here. I’ve been tanking for this guild since the expansion landed, and I have to say, it’s a fun group of men and women.
We’re now fielding teams for 25-man content and are prepping everyone for SSC/TK. Oh what a journey it is and has been. We’re ALWAYS looking for more players who want to raid and hang out with us, regardless of your class or spec. (although I think we would LOVE a Boomkin main and Ele Shaman main to join us on the regular).
People here are chill and helpful. Most are pretty good looking, too! Come look for Chapter Four in game and strike up a conversation with a guild member or officer.
Pants optional. If you bring pants, please leave them hanging on the hook outside.
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I’ve been running with this guild for a while now and I can’t recommend it enough. Its a low drama chill group of people, clearing content and having fun while doing it. Currently we are in need of SV hunter, Ret Paladin, Enh Shaman, Ele Shaman, Mage so reach out if interested 
Wow…necroed for that 2nd Kara group lol.