Horde bias across WoW

I’m one of those old players. While I can’t speak specifically to population numbers, I always felt outnumbered by Horde while leveling and outside raid zones. Most competitive guilds were Horde (Fires of Heaven on server Mannoroth was particularly epic).

TBC was kind of miserable as an Alliance player because, as you said, the population skyrocketed, but it did so when the Horde pop was already high. (again, this was on my server Mannoroth, can’t speak for other servers in general)


Same to you.


Well then there’s your solution. Convince more Asians to play Alliance.

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The Alliance jus needs to embrace that they’re the sidekick. The Robin to our Batman. The Arthur to our Tick. The hashbrown to our mcmuffin.


Nice to hear that.

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The alliance betrayed them, its easier to forgive an enemy than a betrayer.

The high-elves “left” the alliance during the second war (WC2), and never officially re-joined for the third. They had completely severed ties and become hostile to the alliance by the end of the third war (during WC3 the frozen throne) and didn’t even join the horde until years later in TBC.

at this point in the games history, high elves have been hostile to the alliance longer than the entire combined time they spent allied or neutral to them prior.


Night Elves butchered Humans and Orcs.


And I’m putting in an order now lol!! :rofl:

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Well that post about the king title is long and I hope it’s not a call to remove the human monarchy in the game, but the little I read I do agree that the story is too human-centric for alliance.

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Made my iced vanilla hazelnut latte this morning :heart: want some?


Garithos and his forces put Kael’thas and his elves against a very large Scourge force, whilst also taking all cavalry, footmen and support teams with him. Thus leaving the elves in a hopeless situation.

The trolls that attacked the elves weren’t part of the Horde. The Orcs that fought that elves predates the Alliance and Horde as we know it, as that was when Guldan and his Horde first came through the Dark Portal and marched north. (if I recall, bit hazy on this) Scourge = Forsaken apparently.

Elves left the Alliance due to all the political bickering and drama.

And looking…Sanariar beat me to most of what I was gonna say but don’t feel like removing it.


Don’t forget the



Hordes warchief dies or leave every other expansion. But horde bias

Horde cities sacked repeatedly for raids.
But horde bias.

Alliance gets bigger WM bonus. But horde bias.


You obviously either have no idea about the lore or you’re cherry picking to look good.

The Alliance between the High Elves and the others was so flimsy that the High Elves mockingly sent a small token force with Alleria Windrunner when the Alliance asked them to send help by activating the treaty.

The High Elves got roflstomped when the Trolls and the Horde were done with the Alliance cities and then marched on the gates of the High Elf city.

It was then that the High Elves cried for mercy and asked the Alliance to help them. Which the Alliance did.

Why do you think Garithos was a racist against them? He fought to protect the elves and the Elves conveniently did not send help and his family was massacred by the Horde.

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He’s the villain of the expansion not the hero

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so… are you saying that the high elves where NEVER really good friends with the alliance? hrrmmm… I guess that means it makes even MORE sense that they would join the horde then.


And the BEE!

Horde get Dinosaur themed Mounts. Alliance get Destrier themed Mounts, Alliance kick up a HUGE stink, and get an Alliance ONLY mount!

You do mean the Lordaeron Alliance.


Good job cherrypicking again.

You have no idea about the lore. :smiley:

Yes I do.

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