Horde bias across WoW

People seem to forget that Blood Elves were the saving grace for the dwindling Horde population throughout Vanilla and into Bc. If it weren’t for the launch of a much more aesthetically appealing race being introduced to the horde I dare say the the roles would be reversed right now and Alliance Dominance would probably still be a thing.


Wasn’t it a Chinese poll which indicated that they wanted Blood Elves on the Horde which made Blizzard do it?


its linked in the reddit post

You may want to explicitly mention it in OP because 99% of players just know Blizzard added Blood Elves to Horde maybe because they chose to.


You lost me here. The Horde getting pretty elves instead of the much-desired and anticipated Ogre race is very clearly anti-Horde.


It’s hard to tell is this post is satire or just 14 years of Blood Elf salt. :salt:




i’m gonna go with blood elf salt, its funny how giving them void elves only made it worse, and then giving them blood elf skin tones made it worse still, next thing they will finally give them blonde hair and the complaints will STILL keep rolling in that the horde “stole” an alliance race, and belfs should be deleted.


I’m not sure but a lot of old players claim that the Horde had a dwindling population because players didn’t like their look until Blood Elves were added and the population skyrocketed.


lmao good luck here buddy

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If you look for faction imbalance, you will find faction imbalance. Most of it is subjective. Just play the game.


FTFY. Now quit your whining and go back to EU.



I needed company for a cup.


The irony of your response :slight_smile:

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Friendly reminder that the High elves request is being sore about Blood elves being added to the Horde 10+ years ago


I mean, if we are gonna bring WarCraft 3 into this, don’t forget it was Garithos and his forces who treated the elves poorly, putting them into unwinnable situations(had Vashj not offered aid), and later tried to execute them.

So, even using WC3, Alliance pushed the High Elves away, Elves of which later became known as Blood Elves.

Sure, some are neutral. But that is a teeny tiny portion.

And yea, Alliance has had a vastly better story the last few expansions. (Exception being Stormsong, it was all over the place. Horde? Now Quilboar? That change in direction felt horrible).

Horde are made to look like fools. We have lost most of our original leaders. We lost King Rastakhan the moment we found him basically as well.

And, NA Forums are probably worse than the EU ones. Ours are mostly trolling or people mass flagging stuff they don’t agree with.


If you say so…


I already did :smiley:

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trolls butchered high elves
orcs butchered high elves
undead-forsaken butchered high elves

only reason high elves joined horde is due to marketing surveys in asia


You sure did…


Yep of course. Glad you got it.

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