Horde beware, Im coming for you

Where is this restriction spelled out?

When you queue for random bgs.

You can’t queue up as a raid.

Blizzard has spoken about this topic multiple times before:

  1. And they specifically mention addons.

Nothing about manually syncing queues to get multiple people into a BG.

You say that like Blizzard needs to post annual reminders that exploiting/cheating is wrong.

Scroll down.


I believe they are.

Honestly they sound like someone who hasn’t played the game in years because it’s very clear they have little to no understanding of how things work.


Holycow, so given all that, are you also against 5-mans queuing for regular BGs? Because according to whoever wrote that 5-mans would also have an advantage.

it’s the demonstrable lack of perspective they have, and it’s not unique with them. can’t make the horse drink etc etc. maybe they didnt play in vanilla, or any other time when talking to other players was a necessity of play. maybe things like LFR and randumbs took away the thinking requirement for that type of player, and I just think that’s unfortunate and a loss of the World (of Warcraft) overall. Same thing with these arena humpers who don’t know their place, or their right from their left. Nobody cares about dancing in bobby’s booster paws.

Waste of your time. EBG community players play a weird game where they deny circumventing rules to intentionally gain an upper hand against random (mostly gearing) PUGs is cheating. No one cares about EBGs anyway, so people like OP just look stupid for doing call outs.

‘Hey, random 40 people who have probably never heard of the forums, we’re coming for ya!’ lol


No one cares about ebgs, lol. Yeah right.

Epics are the only reason I still play WoW at all. I’ve left WoW repeatedly to play other titles but keep returning for epics. I think DAoC got it right and that’s probably the only title I would leave WoW for if they modernized the game.


Same here. Without communities i probably wouldn’t play much anymore, or at all. I just have little interest in other aspects of the game though i do casual PvE stuff like quests, professions, and minimal toy collection. :grin:

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I laughed all the way through this thread. Made my day.

Agreed, it’s the only reason I log on anymore

It was a WG game they were defence and we were offense. We were winning the teamfight but then they built catas and the flame breath deleted the raid. The reason they were able to build was not because of them getting enough kills but because of the 5min change blizz made a while back. They afk’d in the base at the start of the game

Had we queued into any other map/we were on defense it would have turned out very differently.

Next time it happens i’ll just swap to guardian and live lord and spin in the workshop so they can’t build.

GG. Maybe build your own cats next time ¯_(ツ)_/¯

We did not afk in the base. We went west side to see if you guys would follow, and like dogs that follows sheep you guys followed, so we shrouded went SR. but ya, your team was stacked. would of been alot different if it was Ioc or another map.

GG’S regardless, was good game.

You’re linking an article from 5.1…and if i remember right that was Mist of pandaria…back then bots/Multi boxers were ruining the bg scene. Link us a more updated source that isn’t from 4-5 expansions ago.

Also if it’s cheating/exploiting to have more than 1 5 man group trying to get into a 40 man bg. why haven’t these people gotten the ban hammer yet? if blizz wants to fix this problem only way about it would be for cross-faction bgs where it would be randomly placed on either faction.

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Would be cool to have cross faction randoms imo.


I think it would be too, and interesting concept to say the least.

Toothless hey

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