Horde beware, Im coming for you

If he is Warzug that would surprise me. They have completely different posting styles. Then again where is that zuggy war, have not seen him/her in a while.

I guess that’s the difference, SAS trusts their teams to be competent enough to have someone lead even if their main leads dont queue with that group

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Looking forward to the free kills, OP <3

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I think the entire Horde is.


They don’t know what to do without someone giving them instructions?


Don’t you advocate that only non-synced parties of 5 or fewer should be allowed in epic BGs?

5 people can’t do much if the rest of their team sucks.

I do.

What does that have to do with them needing a leader or else they don’t know what to do?

Sure sure. Pugs can’t do anything. 5 people can’t do anything. Gotta bring in 30+ right? And a leader. Nearly forgot they need a leader too. 30 + leader.


A team of five can turn a bg around sometimes. :wink: Back capping, giving the pugs instruction/direction. Doesn’t always work but it does often enough. I’ve solo q’ed and turned projected losses into wins. That’s the reason we never give up. Sometimes perseverance pays off.

The first 4 people to like his posts were Classic toons.

The first 3 have almost zero account activity minus a couple stuff partaining to ruthless, and the 4th is Warzug. COINCIDENCE?! Maybe.


So you are saying that you don’t understand English well, or are just trying to be more of a troll.
I’ve never heard of you, didn’t see you anywhere at all today and am still not worried one bit.

This is the attention you wanted isn’t it?

He got the Horde all fired up to kill him for sure :smiley:

This whole thread is just weird…

im shaking
i havent seen him yet but I know hes coming for me

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Do you play epic BGs a lot though? I see ‘premades’ lose sometimes - sometimes possibly to pugs (though it can be hard to tell). Also, the hours the primary communities play are pretty limited. If anything, i understand complaints from alliance solo queuers, because around prime time it is more likely for them to face horde premades than it is for horde soloers to face alliance premades.

If alliance epic BG communities didn’t exist (couldn’t queue together) do you think the “I only want to solo” alliance would do any better?

Ohh… gotta say that’s kinda spicy forum intrigue!

No. I don’t PvP. I only do PvE.

Horde pugs would definitely do better.

Then you’re not running your group/community correctly. im sure Cinco will help you, because the way you run things are straight up bad lol


Hmmm that is interesting. Warzug for best forum troll, because he got us all.

It’s 40v40. not your random 10 man bg. The leader of said epics, give people direction and goal to work toward. gods know alliance needs it more so than horde.

Idk what why your bashing me lol…im sorry i killed your horde toon in av? lol…get over yourself.

I’ve qued into multiple matches where there has been 15-25 Sas. without your real lead {cinco} you guys just fall apart and just start mass afking it…cuz “oh no, ruthlessbro’s here” or “we lost the opener, it’s gg”.
A leader makes things 100% better especially with someone with awareness of the map.

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