Horde AV failure from the horde perspective

Wow, ok so it’s no myth but it’s not common like what the forums claim.

Every AV I have done so far has been not in or vs a premade (both sides) it’s kinda obvious the premade strat, and the atmosphere of it. They don’t talk in chat because it’s on discord and there are always people clueless to the premade.

This has been so different, it’s just pure synergy,

But it’s mostly cause to effect:

  1. Alliance no longer have dead weight players AFK under bridge because they think they can win because of premades;
  2. Alliance have a better attitude because of the premade effect;
  3. Alliance no longer appear to have sub level 60 characters or badly geared characters : the only explanation is because your premade exclude them when you are syncing. Otherwise, on the contrary they would be more;
  4. Alliance are playing as a team : because you premade at first.

As for the “am starting to wonder if it’s a myth” : zero credibility. Lots of allies on this forum are claiming premades and are very proud for whatever reason. I mean what kind of player is proud to win in a premade vs a pug. I mean sure it’s fun to win but it takes zero skill.

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I did four games yesterday on my paladin I won all four.

And I was in the pre-made disc.

I’d say probably about 150 of us were in there last night.

It’s just basically all those people are all queuing at the same time and then when they’re que pops they all join a different channel with everybody who got in those games.

Sub 60’s should have never been allowed to que, map imbalances should have been fixed and you’d have more games.

Premades happened in Vanilla, I was part of a few horde premades back then and some Alliance complained but not to the point Horde complain today.

Imagine rolling superior pvp races only to get smoked because it don’t matter much when 10 dudes on discord know how to play and gear and you give up because you didn’t get to “own the alliance”.


Oh make no mistake there is definitely a map disadvantage.

I don’t care what people say you can’t have a 95% win rate in a battleground and think it’s you being good when all the people who thinking it’s them being good are trash


When I find truly fascinating is that these people think that their skill is being questioned because they’re now losing AV.

and what’s baffling about that is they truly think that AV is the definition of being good at PVP…

All these guys who are literally trash cans at the game think they’re good because they win AV.

As if AV is the golden standard on who’s good at PVP


Map imbalances were talked about in Vanilla, especially after the AV changes but nothing was even attempted to be done until TBC. Even that was a half hearted measure because Blizzard did arenas were broken race/class combos could make up for lack of skill even more.

Someone even linked a Blizz dev who said the map was imbalanced, looking at it it’s easy to tell.

Well Ion actually had an interview and that’s probably who you’re talking about he even stated that AV always flip flop basically on who it favored that it was never balanced which is why they never made another battleground like it.

In the interview he even said that they could never balance the battleground.

I just find it funny that to these people they truly think it’s the defining factor on what being good at PVP means if you win AV you’re good

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How convenient. If you lose it’s because of the map but if you win it’s not because you’re premading. You always have an excuse to prove you’re a great player.

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They made the armory to check to see if people were good.

The thing I use

Sure go look the armory of a 60 who raided classic content in retail.

Says the guy who needs a premade vs a pug to win.

P.-S.: L-O-L

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Your achievements are ACCOUNT BOUND.

Has everything you have done with your WHOLE ACCOUNT.

I don’t care, I only pvped casually, get over it.

And you still need a premade to win vs a pug.

And you need a map advantage to be good.

What’s your point??

  1. There is no map disadvantages explaining why alliance is losing. We covered that amply and there is much better explanations than an easy “map imbalances”;

But my point is :

  1. Even if there was map disadvantages it’s not the responsibility of one faction but of Blizzard. However premading = cheating and is your responsibility.

Pre-mading isn’t cheating.

You can’t stop people from playing together.

Horde can also do it, it’s why it’s not considered cheating

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sure lol it

or you can try to give real arguments and I’ll prove you wrong.

So far you’re failing at both PvP in AV and on the forums. Git good!?


lol personal attacks. Try real arguments. Actually, try to answer that if you’re that good at “both pvp in av and on the forum” Get gud ?