AV Cave Rez situation

Summary of Massive alleged imbalances in favor or horde :

  1. At start, running mid field favor horde. One time advantage and both factions meet behind Balinda instead of mid field. Nothing massive. Longer for alliance to win yes. Harder for alliance to win. No. It’s a quality of life imbalance. The present meta reality is alliance wait at SHGY and get cornered. It’s a choice.
  2. Horde rezzing can come back faster to IBGY from cave compared to alliance running from SPGY to SHGY. Horde have to walk in their cave so it takes 40 seconds from cave to IBGY and it takes 45 seconds to alliances from SPGY to SHGY. Nothing massive;
  3. Rez cycle of 20 hordes in cave vs 10 alliance at SPGY. Barely never happens that more than 10 players die in 30 seconds while attacking IBGY or else. Besides, ally have the same advantage if they defend bridge properly;
  4. Alliances being trapped north when SHGY Is capped : mirror effect and the same can happens when alliance hard cap IBGY
  5. Alliance rezzing at AS instead of SPGY when they die at SFGY. Yeah. One real imbalance.

Now why alliance lose that much :

  1. Allaince rankers all left in February because they could not premade AV anymore. Alliance lost all their sweaty players at the same so they were traumatized;
  2. Alliance rankers killed their bg by dodging queues and leaving alliance pugs to lose;
  3. Remaining alliances mostly focus reputation farming and gave up winning;
  4. Some minor map imbalances;
  5. Alliance have instant queues so they don’t care too much;
  6. Hordes have to wait 1 hour + so they give everything they can to win.

The status is that since 3 000 posts cause map cryers are crying, insulting and making personal attacks instead of using arguments to contest what is above.

Now if your name is Ziryus, Drinknblink, Bodicaa or Viratrix, don’t bother to answer cause you’re trolling/insulting/making personal attacks instead of giving real arguments.