Horde are the bad guys

I thought all Alliance were Betas.

Wrong, that was only Arthas and by that point Frostmourne had already corrupted him.

That wasn’t Thrall’s Horde…

Ally are not innocent either…enslaving innocents and stuff ya know :wink:

Thoughts and prayers, like a true follower of the light would do.

I am honestly tired of goodie two shoes Alliance.
I want them to fck some sht up and be the bad guys for once.

While on the Alliance to begin with then going off to his own group the scourge, Arthas was a great example of this, and not surprising one of the most interesting wow characters of all time.

Alliance are the bad guys, they’re just the whiny sniveling kind of bad guys though.

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Obliviously there are instances when Alliance are bad, no one is questioning that. But about 90% of the time the Horde are the antagonists and Alliance just responds.

I wan’t to see the Alliance be the aggressors and maybe take out Silvermoon or something?

Instead of the constant battle of quelling Horde aggression only for it to happen again. Hopefully some among the Alliance ranks have learned their lesson.

You’re just a self aware sirloin.

Your comment was medium.

Because it wasn’t rare, and it certainly wasn’t well-done.

Yeah, but you’re just a cursed rock.

Oh yeah, this is the classic forums

Avenge the Stonespire

Maybe in the OG days… by classic Horde just want to settle down and live thier lives, Alliance are the bad guys who keep coming up with reasons to fight The Horde.

What… pretty sure you have your events mixed up.

WC3 ended with the battle for mt hyjal which was an alliance between thralls new horde, the human expedition(group of refugees from alliance lands fleeing the scourge) led by Jaina, and the Night Elves who at that point were isolationist and not allied with anyone.

Jaina’s father eventually went looking for his daughter, found the new horde and since he is a racist a**hole began attacking them, which led to his death, since he wouldn’t listen to his daughter when she told him about the truce.

Also in what way is the culling of Stratholm a war crime? There were no innocent civilians to save in that city, everyone was already infected, which you would see if you played wc3.

In BFA, Horde are indeed the bad guys.

In classic, both sides are pretty neutral.

alliance are tryhard betas. jus jelly they werent chosen by the elements . shoulda listened to the prophet and his momma

Or the Cavern of Time’s instance that covers the same topic.

That was not the Horde. Those were the corrupted orcs. For some reason orcs are pretty damn naive fools that believe in anything, but so are night elves.

he didnt even try to cast cleanse. cure the disease man. noob paladin!

Depending on where the Sylvanas storyline goes, you may get your wish soon enough. Gilneas(under Greymane) and the Night Elves(or at least Tyrande) are going to be on the warpath for awhile to come I think. Depending on various factors, it’s possible they could pull the Void Elves and High Elves along with them.

Well given that a large enough force of night elves existed to push back the Burning Legion and only the truly central and highborn sect of night elves willingly invited them, I don’t think that’s the same thing as nearly every clan willingly abandoning all tradition in favour of a new disturbing power.

The Highborne weren’t the majority. They were just the nobles, and even then not all Highborne sided with Azshara.