Horde are the bad guys

Depends on which Horde. Each has been different.

Oh man, I sincerely hope you are not American…

Not that it matters. Victors are not war criminals, after all.

But back to the Culling of a fictional city in a game.

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Not in game since cata or early concept MOP… since then it’s been alliance good guys horde evil.

It’s the reason I don’t play live anymore. Bad immersion when your faction is a plot device.

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And then they came together with the Alliance to defeat Archimonde and the Burning Legion, and everything should have been peaceful thereafter, but it turns out that the Alliance are a bunch of racists, and they couldn’t leave the Horde alone to build their own civilization in Kalimdor and kept attacking them because they are scary looking, so the Horde fought back for their very survival. The Alliance are a bunch of genocidal racists, and are the ones responsible for the ongoing conflict.

The Horde were not the only residents of Kalimdor, and I don’t know if you noticed but there is not much lumber in either Durotar or Mulgore.

You mean the old Draenor horde that was influeced by demonic corruption and that eventually got either killed or put in slave camps by the alliance?.

Yeah, I’m just talking about the novels…

I am. Though the modern definition of ‘war criminal’ dates to the Geneva Convention in 1949, American history (including very recent history) includes a number of war criminals.

I’m not sure why you would say that like it’s some sort of gotcha, this is fairly common knowledge.


Technically that wasn’t the alliance…
It was a rogue band of human survivors of Lorderan led by Jaina and the reclusive Night elves who would later join the alliance.

It wasnt a war crime, it was quarantine and eradication of a disease caused by a biological attack by an enemy combatant.

What are you referring to?

The culling of Stratholm… which is what that whole discussion was about.

Horde: Doesn’t hang out with gnomes.
Alliance: Hangs out with gnomes.

Alliance are the bad guys.

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So, are you just going to ignore everything they’ve done since? The alliance massacred Orc children and women alike during the wars. They’ve committed war crimes and atrocities throughout the years. But let’s focus on one time period for the sake of argument. I guess this is a huge troll.

Maybe it has since been retconned, but in WC3 it was a group led by Jaina’s father. She tried to stop them.

If a random alien species settled on Earth and started building a civilisation on unclaimed lands would you not also feel threatened by their presence?

The Alliance had every right to fend off this unwelcome foe who started building on the Alliance’s world.

The post you quoted made me confused as to whether you were talking about the main topic or a side topic, sorry!

Anyway I clearly disagree.


You just said it was unclaimed lands, so why not leave them alone, especially when they just helped you save the world from destruction by the Burning Legion?

What about the internment camps for the Orcs in the Arathi Highlands? Through the money making gladiator battles, Thrall became the leader is was. He was a creation of these alliance camps. Let’s not forget how the Blood Elfs were treated let alone the massacres of the Tauren by alliance scum.

he meant the alliance at Hyjal.

The alliance proper were still in EK fighting off the demons/scourage with scattered pockets of resistance and little in the way of organization with several important member kingdoms withdrawn and isolationist or completely obliterated.

Lordaron and Quel’thalas was destroyed and Jaina only managed to convince a few people from Lordaron to come with her.

Kul Tiras was doing it’s own thing. Gilneas shut out 1/3 of it’s own citizens when the scourging began (essentially ceding Silverpine to Lordaron), Dalaran was obliterated and the mages scattered, Alterec fled to Stormwind and fell under Katrana’s sway who crippled SW’s ability to respond to the threat with her manipulation of the court of nobles, Thoras had been murdered by his son who was woefully unprepared to handle what was coming taking Stromgard out of the fight.

Pretty much the only “alliance” members still doing their jobs were the dwarves who were stretched thin trying to help the isolated Northern remenants and the chaos happening down in the south.

However once things started to Settle down, Daelin Proudmoore essentially tried to restart the 2nd War, while the continued fractured chain of command in the Alliance gave a lot of influence to lower nobility like Garithos who proceeded to try and kill off the Blood Elves (who were mostly made up of surviving Quel’thalas defenders (though until it was retconned most of the High Elven race had actually survived and been teleported to SW to seek aid while the defenders planned to hold firm behind the Elf-Gates (which should’ve been able to hold back the Scourge without traitors sabotaging them) and the High Elves’s who had been stationed at Dalaran that came to try and relieve them (and missed the scourging of Dalaran as a result).

Nefarian was also undermining Thralls control over the horde (pretty much all the problems in Vanilla wow are direct results of Onyxia and Nefarian weaking their respective factions since even Daelen’s mess and the stuff in Ashenvale was slowly getting worked out during the intervening 4 years since FT, since he’d prop’d up Rend Blackhand (son of the first warchief) as the true leader of the horde, and since not all the Orc clans followed the same traditions, some left that felt the Thrall’s rule wasn’t the “true” orc way (though keep in mind, a lot of the orcs who DID stay were veterans, while a lot of the more hot-headed ones were the ones who grew up entirely via the horde years and that was the only life they knew).

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