Horde are the bad guys

the only bad guys are the non-believers

Omar is Mother
Omar is Father

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  1. I have read the Arthas book played the campaign and played the dungeon and to my knowledge from seeing all of these sources he was not able to distinguish the differences between infected and non-infected since the disease would kill them quite fast and not show that many signs. I could be wrong with that though. 2. In the games as well almost everyone inside the city was infected. On the outskirts though not many of them were.

He couldn’t just dispell that plague it is described as not like a normal disease and have some magical properties even in warcraft 3 priest are unable to dispell the plague debuff.

Just because it is not intended by the writters to look morally good does not mean it might be the morally better option bassed on the situation. If they the abilities and time to stop and research the plague I would agree that the purge was a terrible idea but they simply didn’t. People began turning when Arthas got there with more following.

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But isn’t that the Iron Horde ? This isn’t our horde since it’s from an alternate universe. They may be orc, but that doesn’t make them the same.

My understanding was the timeline is the same up to a certain point. Most of that lore would fall in the category of “happened before that point, so valid for both timelines”

OP is referring to the Old Horde led by Blackhand (Gul’Dan and the Shadow Council) which was fueled by Fel Magic and twisted by demons and lies to make them bloodthirtsy lunatics.

The Iron Horde just showed us that the Orcs didn’t need the Fel corruption to turn into genocidal nutjobs. Any reason at all would do really.

He has very little control over his own people.

The intent of the Horde is that we are a loose confederate with treaties of mutual assistance, not a monolithic structure. The modern Warchief depictions have massively expanded the power of the executive (gee I wonder why that sounds familiar) from what it was originally intended to be.

I wouldn’t say that the Horde is a villain overall, these are disputed territories. It’s not like anyone is invading Stormwind or attacking civilians, they have claims to these territories and are willing to fight about it.

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You should really understand the lore before you make such claims.

First off that isn’t the “horde” that’s played in game. That is the one that came before that was corrupted and sent through the dark portal.

The horde that is played in game was the rebuilt one that Thrall in order to rebuild the broken hold horde.

/Looks at Hillsbrad

You know I’m fairly certain there were a few towns there…

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Which were originally occupied by the people who eventually became Forsaken.

Disputed territory, as I said, though the Forsaken are definitely on the villain end of the spectrum in the way they dealt with the disputes. That’s why I specified the Horde as a whole; we definitely contain villains and villainous members.

spoken like a true kiddie.

And the difference with this thought and ‘well everyone is going to die eventually, what does it matter if I help them to it now’ is what?

Purge = bad. You can argue the greater good, but slaughter is slaughter any way you shake it.

Are horde the bad guys?

The Horde have sworn fealty directly to the Warchief since at least Wrath of the Lich King. And since Thrall was still Warchief in WotLK, it stands to reason that the Blood Oath of the Horde hadn’t changed since Vanilla.

"Lok’tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.

I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief’s desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief’s command.

From this moment until the end of days I live and die - For the Horde!"


The Horde has always had a proto-fascist political structure. If that doesn’t change after having two genocidal Warchiefs within a span of few years, then Blizzard’s writing really has no integrity left.

Spoilers: It won’t change.

I mean, human jerky is pretty tasty.

Or so I have heard from my Stranglethorn friends. cough

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dw I don’t judge

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The horde have a lot of internal drama and compromised relationships (see the undead). Their main focus is usually just to survive.

Alliance has their own drama but in the form of corruption, disaster, and weakness. Arthas was pure evil. He took the easy way out, killed his people, and gave into vengeance.

Both factions have their bad actors and heroes.

Well, there is that meme that it tastes like chicken. But then, what doesn’t taste like chicken?

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I think an argument could be made for the horde if not for the Forsaken. The forsaken are 100% evil. Orcs/Tauren/Trolls all have redeeming qualities.

Yeah well it’s not like it’s a democracy around here(Well it ain’t a democracy in the alliance either i believe lol, may be wrong)… What did you await from a Banshee b**** and the arrogant Garrosh. Thrall and Vol’jin does show there is still some good peoples around … Well if Vol’jin hadn’t been killed 1 FRIGGIN expansion later sigh

The best leave us first they say… Guess that’s what happened with Vol’jin…

It was retconned in Wrath, to the best of my knowledge, and differs from the original intent.

(I’m well aware that it won’t change and that Blizzard’s writing has no integrity left. I’ve played BFA.)

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