Horde are the bad guys

all gomes and dorfs must be eliminated. or punted.

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The Alliance have Strathholme, lest we forget

So basically I cant think of an answer, but its still wrong even though its a hard but correct choice which needed to be made and actually shows that Arthas had what it took to be a great future King.

Also ever consider that his turning point to becoming the lich king was the betrayal of his friends and his mentor? And not saving the greater kingdom at the expense of a city which was already lost?


Some of the WoD lore would tend to indicate otherwise.

Are you talking about AU? Because there even Draeneis are evil. I don’t take AU as a lore canon source for the MU.

Going through Guldans lore in WoD, made me think of the movie 300 and the crippled Spartan. His weakness like Guldans weakness forced them to seek vengeance on their own people.

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So you read roughly 10% of a faction’s history, one of the earliest 10% in their timeline, and you want to judge them in the present?

Yup, you belong in the Alliance


The events that lead to the purge happening yes is completely horrible. The problem is that this was the beginning of the plague. They had no idea how to stop or control it and at the point, Arthas got there they were pretty much all already infected. The purge happening yes is terrible but it was morally better than the other options available. IT was the only guaranteed way to save these people from becoming the undead, you can say it was the quick and easy way but at this point, a quick and easy way was needed.

How exactly is “kill literally everyone” a morally better option than “save who can be saved”?

Blizzard is not good at subtle writing and the Culling of Stratholme was not subtle. I usually assume people defending it are just trolling, because frankly I prefer the idea that they’re trolling than the idea that they might actually have such a loose grasp of morals and ethics that they can’t see what is basically the intro gimme question on an Ethics 101 exam. It’s the ethical equivalent of a math test leading off with “What is 1+1?”

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It looked to me like shamans were not respected compared to the desire to have raw brute strength.

I know it’s not true, and a popular fan myth, but the Mak’gora should have rules against use of elemental magic. Guldan like Thrall are two sides of a coin.

Uther literally has the line “You’ve just crossed a terrible threshold, Arthas.” in that scene.

  1. They couldn’t tell the difference between non-infected and infected 2. basically everyone was infected since the plague spreads so easily 3. It is much better if a few civilians that are not infected are killed rather than letting an army of undead wash over the kingdom. Also in game, it is shown that everyone is just turning into the undead when he reaches stratholme.

Amazing. Everything you just said was wrong.

1 is false, 2 is false, and 3 is false. Further, they had all the force necessary to contain the city; it’s not like their options were limited to ‘kill literally everyone’ or ‘walk away and do nothing’.

If, at any point, you are arguing in favor of killing innocent civilians as an integral part of your plan, guess what? You’re a war criminal!

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Didnt read enough i think. Cuz that horde that did the murdering were purely orcs. Also, some of the info in the classic guide is outdated or retconned (like the EK being called Azeroth)

What’s sad about #3 is that the Purging of Stratholme led directly to an army of undead washing over the kingdom.

There isn’t ANYTHING in WarCraft III that portrays the Purging of Stratholme as morally good.

Aren’t the Horde in a state of constant civil war too? Heck, the Horde could be broken into like three factions in itself, right?

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Only because the writers keep giving us war criminals as Warchief.

In the context of Classic, the Horde has no internal strife of any significant level.

It was actually limited to “Purge the city” or “Do nothing and die to an entire city worth of Undead led by a Dreadlord”

It’s similar to the “One or Five” scenario…only in this case there is a third track where no one dies…but then the One gets up and murders the Five anyways.

And the Horde in Classic really is a villain and Thrall is either a giant hypocrite or he has very little control over his own people when you look at WSG and AB. And I am fine with that, just don’t go claiming “misunderstood”.

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Shamans were usually the chieftains or the 2nd in command, so to say they are not respected is just straight false.

Also in order for Guldan to lead the orcs he had to become respected which he did by becoming a shaman.