Horde and AV - A History

“It wasn’t.
Maybe in a single battlegroup. Otherwise it was horde heavy in most battlegroups and by a large margin”

I literally linked an article where the developers say it was and give statistics.

“And you even acknowledge this at this point because the 1.12 AV was the S1 TBC AV.
It was horde domianted due the 1.12 changes and alliance simple got tired of being gy camped and stoped playing it. A lot of allaince were already going BE too.”

This is totally false as well (the part being horde dominated it definitely wasn’t, again read the article linked).

You guys lives in denial. at this point.
You are always fighting against outnumbered people in a map that as you stated heavily favors your position. There is no work around, either premade with minded-like individuals or lose against such huge disavantage.

Btw once cave moved back alliance pretty much dominated AV till legion.

I would be surprised when horde doesnt give any argument which isn’t a simple lie to backup their “Zug zug me bettah”

I said it favored horde in TBC once 2.3 hit and they altered the game. Not in 1.12. How on earth did I just use a simple lie as an argument? I literally used game patch notes and developer interviews.

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