Horde and Alliance really enemies?

As of late I have been doing some cross faction RP and a topic that seems to pop up a lot is how at odds the Horde and Alliance are with each other. TBH though it really got me thinking, I know if you take the events of Cata and BfA it very obviously shows why the factions would hate each other, but what about all the events where we joined up and even helped each other out? ((Going to only be listing major events from WoW in order and not any of the Warcraft games. If I miss any please drop a comment below))

Reasons to be enemies:
-Multiple small skirmishes in Kaldimor and Eastern Kingdoms (Classic to MoP)

  • Battle of Warsong Gulch
    -Battle of Alterac Valley
    -Battle of Arathi Basin
  • Open violence between the Alliance and Horde begins in Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands
  • Velen leads a raid to liberate the Exodar and escape Outland. Blood elf saboteurs cause it to crash on Azeroth
  • Alliance and Horde battle for dominance at Wintergrasp
    -Conflict between Alliance and Horde at the Isle of Conquest.
  • Invasion of Gilneas, Gilneas left in ruins
  • Bilgewater Cartel ship sunk
  • Conflict breaks out at Tol Barad
  • Attack on Theramore Isle, Theramore destroyed
    -Alliance-Horde war evolves into a full-scale conflict
  • Anduin Wrynn is captured by the Horde
    -Garrosh’s agents raid Darnassus to sabotage Lor’themar’s negotiations with the Alliance.
  • Purge of Dalaran
  • Alliance and Horde battle in the Valley of the Four Winds
  • The Alliance led by Genn Greymane assaults Sylvanas and the Horde
  • Sylvanas’ attempt to enslave Eyri is thwarted by Genn Greymane
    -Before the Storm (putting this in both)
  • Burning of Teldrassil
  • Battle for Lordaeron
  • War in Kul Tiras and Zandalar
  • Battle for Stromgarde
  • Battle for Darkshore
  • Battle of Dazar’alor
  • Both factions crash on Nazjatar (putting in both)

Reasons not to be enemies:

  • The Might of Kalimdor assaults Ahn’Qiraj
  • The invasion of Outland
    -The Black Temple besieged
  • Lady Liadrin and her Blood Knights join the Shattered Sun , along with the Aldor and Scryer factions against Kael’thas at the Sunwell
    -Sunwell restored by Velen
    -Northrend campaign
  • Yogg-Saron is defeated. Re-origination of Azeroth at the hands of Algalon the Observer is averted.
    -Fall of the Lich king
  • The final assault on Deathwing and the Twilight’s Hammer
  • The Alliance forms a truce with the Dark spear rebels to take out Garrosh Hellscream
  • Siege of Orgrimmar, Garrosh captured
    -Treaty signed
    -Khadgar assembles the champions of the Alliance and the Horde, leading them through the portal to stop the Iron Horde on Draenor once and for all.
  • Shattrath City liberated
    -The Alliance and Horde attack Highmaul, Gorian Empire is left crippled
    -Assault on Hellfire Citadel
  • Battle for the Broken Shore (Yes I am counting this here, enough information would of gotten to the Alliance that the Horde did not abandon them at this point)
  • Suramar City is retaken.
  • Alternate Gul’dan is defeated at the Nighthold
  • The Legionfall attack the Broken Shore
  • Kil’jaeden is defeated and the Tomb of Sargeras is sealed once more using the Pillars of Creation
  • The heroes of Azeroth invade Antorus, the Burning Throne, Legion is defeated
  • Before the Storm (putting this in both)
    -Both factions crash on Nazjatar (putting in both)
    -Siege of Orgrimmar, Sylvanas flees Horde
    -Armistice by almost every nation, ‘Forth war’ ends

So far in conclusion we have 26 major events to cause them to be enemies and 26 major events that would cause them to be not, I think this would at the very least would cause the factions to be more neutral towards each other then hated. This also takes into account the gravity of when they team up usually is greater and would leave a more lasting impact then the times and reasons for them to fight generally .

Going forward, Burning of Teldrassil is THE worst thing that either faction has ever done to each other in the WoW games. In order to move the status from neutral/hated to friendly, Horde is going to have to find a way to make amends for this event.


The Horde and the Alliance are two people in an unhealthy relationship.


Agreed, you actually reminded me of something else I wanted to put and I added it to the last part of the OP.

The passion just hasn’t been there for years now.


Any time a baddy pops up and it’s dealt with, the Horde gets jealous. “I saw how you were looking at that world ending enemy. Why don’t you look at me that way?!”

Then they lash out for attention.


Going to be dead honest with you.

Best way to look at it is like irl big power rivalries such as USA/EU vs Russia/China.

It’s less enemies and more prolonged geopolitical rivalry given narrative drama.


This is essentially how I’ve looked at it. Tensions flare up at times. Neither side is “good” or "bad, per se, but founded in their ideological differences.

BfA did a pretty poor job at portraying the ideological differences, though, in my opinion. I really wish that’d have shined more, rather than us going into all-out warfare over “BURN IT! :sob:”…


BfA is what happens if you let Michael Bay write for a Cold War drama.


Yeah but these countries don’t go to war with each other every 4 years or so, they did would be in a lot of trouble.

This is true, but it is a fictional universe, so a bit more leeway can be provided to the nations involved.

India v Pakistan could be accurate as well.


These countries have to deal with the universal concept of M.A.D., though. With Azerite, that may also be coming to Azeroth Soon™!

(M.A.D. being “Mutually Assured Destruction”, AKA: Nuclear warfare.)

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[:upside_down_face:'s in draenei]


insert Simpsons meme Worst thing so far!

But… Taurajo.
And… and honor.

or something


The orcs were pretty ubiquitously horrible to the draenei and everyone seems to forget this.

A high warlord knocked my ice cream cone out of my hands and I’ve been unable to forgive the horde since


Little did we know, BfA is actually just 2020 summarized.

This is why I said the WoW games not Warcraft. Though Horde repaying what they did to them would be a huge plus.

Horde crimes are why I RP Loh acting like he’s not sorry about anything the Zandalari did.

Yet for some strange reason, he has this feeling he needs to go out and represent the Zandalari in specifically good ways. It’s so weird.

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