Horde and Alliance really enemies?

Horde is Regina George. Alliance is Lindsey Lohan. Khadgar is Tina Fey.

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It sort of depends on who you count as being “the Horde.” The Mag’har still did horrific things on par with MU orcs to draenei, and the Horde accepted them basically without question or concern.

Which, I suppose, brings up maybe the crux of the issue with regards to peace: even if the Horde also did lots of good things, they don’t act even remotely sorry for any of the awful stuff they did and even openly venerate the people who did it. Only Saurfang really came close to acknowledging it, and even he only did it in the vaguest possible terms and then immediately died afterward.

I guess time will tell if the rest of the Horde inherits that attitude, but we already know that the status quo isn’t going to change despite all the hints, so I doubt it.


This right here has me really upset every. Its pretty just like the first reply said, the passion is just not there. I am not gonna lie, I want a change to be made in game with the factions personally because they are just…so…stupid…

I really feel like anyone who likes this red vs blue story telling just allowing Blizzard to put forth the bare minimum of effort and will eat up anything they put out.

Considering every other time I visit these forums there’s usually some Horde PvP “RP” rah rah “Never forget the crimes of the Alliance!!!” post because It’S cAlLeD WARcRaFt NoT PeAcEcRaFt" I just assume the war is always on and that’s why I have to kill all of them.

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Sadly, the Alliance did wait until the Horde did, and Teldrassil is gone.

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I could (and have) write a MASSIVE list of all the things that has changed in WoW since 15 years ago. I am talking MAJOR changes that I know you know to be true. Having cross faction play and dropping zone restrictions I would say is even less of a change then some of the other things they have done as of late.

I am not saying they should ever can the factions, but the restrictions they bring is pretty hindering. BfA made people unsub in probably the biggest wave ever, the games going to need to evolve in some way for people to be interested in coming back.

The hard faction divide has never and will never make an ounce of lore sense.

All it is, is a constant reminder that the ones making decisions are horribly out of touch and stuck in a 16 year old design mindset.


At this point it doesnt even make sense gameplay wise.

There is literally no sensible defense of the hard faction divide whatsoever.


You know what in-lore hatred doesn’t come up enough in WoW?
Orcs and Ogres.
Every other hatred is something that’s been going on for less than 50 years,* but ogres tried to wipe out Orcs multiple times over several centuries.
Why doesn’t that come up more?

*Well, except elves and trolls…
and humans and trolls… and trolls and trolls… and elves and elves… and Vrykul and humans… and dwarves and dwarves… and the Centaur-Quilboar-Tauren conflict…


…OK, there’s a lot of old rivalries. Why is the story so focused on relatively new ones?

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The issue isn’t that the factions don’t make sense, it’s that Blizzard keeps barriers where they don’t make sense.

For PvP, the factions are perfectly fine. Each group on team X has reason to desire to hurt at least 1 group in nation Y.

The faction barrier, however, should be removed for PvE. It’s already established heroes from both factions rise to fight the big bad of the week, so it figured they’d work side by side in doing so.

This also said, I’d like to see the idea played with further. Don’t, say, let both factions flat walk around cities without issue, but leave it that the Embassies, places diplomatic immunity would apply, are present and in each city since the factions are various nations and probably have their own diplomacy… also shameless excuse to revamp the capitals not Org and SW.


Tbh, WoD probably would have been salvaged if we got at least the Ogre content outside of Highmaul. You’re right, Blizzard really doesn’t take the time to show the partnerships between races enough (outside of the core factions).

Preach. It really is that simple.

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You don’t even need to say that the PvP stuff is hateful interfaction conflict. You can literally just say they’re training exercises or something. There doesn’t have to be an all-encompassing hatred for PvP to exist.

Though it’s probably too late now / Blizzard would never give up that aspect.


They don’t need all encompassing hatred, no.

It, however, would make 0 sense for Sindorei and Zandalari to engage in that with humans, same with Night Elves and Draenei with orcs.

It does not need to be all encompassing hatred, but to say “factions make no sense” is not accurate. What doesn’t make sense is barriers where barriers need not be.

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This is the company that ran that asinine “it matters” ad.

There’s so much stuff in this game that makes no sense that still gets pushed through. Whole narratives, introductions of new races, gigantic retcons… PvP faction stuff going away in favor of wargames/training exercises/etc., even if it’s trolls vs. humans, is extremely low on the list of things that don’t make sense.

But it is, though.

Only if you’re invested in the narrative that they don’t make sense.

I’m leaving it at that to keep this simple and from devolving in the thread.

Ah, see, I only have a grasp of logic, character progression, consistency, cause and effect and pattern recognition. No narrative investment. I guess the factions make perfect sense now! Great work!

I think the Horde and Alliance existing in the narrative is fine.

The strict mechanical barrier between them gameplay wise is archaic and a relic ir 16 year old game design that the developers are far to enamored with.

Hell the strict faction divide in many cases doesnt even make sense lorewise either


That’s super unnecessarily hostile.

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