Horde already has 70% of the "active" player base

I play daily, I don’t do rated pvp, and I only raid up to heroic on my main.
I have alts for all classes, 10 at level 120.
I think I’m active.
I’m also Horde, but I’m sure there’s many active Alliance that don’t meet your criteria.

You play alliance where? Moonguard? Kel thuzand?
Check cho’gall, thats how most of the alliance looks like.

Maybe Alliance have more casual players, the hard try players are on the Horde.

Yes. Because that is what active means.
Doing random bgs and random heroics and leveling isn’t really doing what the game asks your subs for.

maybe if you all listened to us back in WoD and got stupid racials removed we wouldnt have ended up in this mess

but noooo “stop taking away options”


Does it matter?

It’s pretty obvious what’s gonna happen at the end of BFA.

In the next expansion, there’s only gonna be ONE faction.

United Azerothian Front!


wont work as long as racials exist and people have strange ideas about hair color and skin color.

its true. player character nerfs are really bad. it strips the feeling of progression.

You’re saying one thing, but the numbers are saying something else.

Horde has always been better than Alliance in those scenarios because a majority of Alliance are carebear players. They choose Alliance because the toons are “pretty”.

1337 strats and efficient game play aren’t high on their priority list. You’ll find a majority of them collecting achievements and/or doing pet battles.

Anyone who has played the game since Vanilla knows this.

I play every day. This expansion I have had no real interest in raiding or m+.
I just don’t have as much time go invest as I have in the past.
I still love the game. Have been primarily alliance last few years though I started on horde and still play both.
Jmo: seen a lot of noobies lately. Trying out dungeons, raiding can be intimidating when you are trying to learn. Not everyone comes in with mmorpg experience or an instance drive to be competitive. Some live if this comes from developing friendships others from enjoying and being good at what you do.
Advanced player can be extremely impatient harsh even hateful. An experience like that can very quickly deter a new person from pursuing greatness. :slight_smile:
It would be good if there were options to indicate a person is in learning mode. A choice so alts don’t have too, but people can choose either a learning group or to indicate they are learning so they don’t end up cussed out and kicked their first mistake.
Not to mention OP folks running through and ya barely got time to loot, get list and kicked. (seen that too)
Mentors for new players and better explanation about somethings longer term more competitive players take for granted.
It takes time to build and train a team, as well as friendships.
I also think the way they changed guild perks hurt some also. It took away some incentive to get in a good guild and stick it out.


there is no progression with racials damn it

all racials have ever done is break the balance between horde and alliance

make the damn classes more powerful then

wont hear me complaining. i just know that nerfs are really bad. many games have started the trek to no subs when over powered abilities were nerfed. rather than nerfing, buff everybody else. its counter intuitive to give flight then take it away. for example. its lore breaking. if its just cause they want people to experience more of the content then just put quests all over the place

games also collapse due to power creep

id rather have balanced factions. then you get more choice about what race you want to pick and you’re not just picking it because X has the best racials for Y

lets be real, horde is currently the ‘flavor of the month’, alliance was very popular for a long time, now its hordes turn. I saw similar things with other MMOS. it happens.

just tune up the monster difficulty. power creep really only an issue on closed loops like a classic server.

and remove racials to remove any faction imbalances that they have caused

which has been a lot

WoTF being too good, EMFH being too good, AT being too good and all the people faction swapping and leaving the other factions to rot otherwise

racials have been nothing but a bane

I’m with you brother. Alliance till the end. I’ll fight the whole horde military myself if I have too.

oh i agree on paper. but i’ve seen nerfs like that go terribly bad. imagine the outrage on horde when they realize they no longer have mythic+ superiority because blizz had to pamper alliance by removing racials. it’d just be a bad thing. better to let people have their unique racials and make them good in different ways.

they’d get over it in a week or two and after a year everyone could enjoy playing the race they wanted instead of what was cookie cutter

this should have happened a long long time ago though

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yeah right after they unsubbed. people unsubbed over flight in wod. reality is your friend.

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