Horde all my life - Rerolled Ally... WOW!

the real question is why is the horde so bad at pvp in general? it takes horde forever to win any bg while they are burning through consumes like its the end of the world while most allys are afking. its truly a statement to how terrible they are

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Honestly not sure how is better at what anymore. I think we both have good, and bad players. Outside of premades Iā€™ve found pugs, on both sides to be equally good, and equally stupid.

I eat gnomes, and pick on them, but Iā€™ve been destroyed by gnomes too. xD

ā€¦the best thing is how horde can run up the back, either up on the mountain or up the cliff face, and get into the alliance baseā€¦I sit there on a rogue and watch 3 or 4 at a time backdoor the alliance base and take out both bunkers before anyone can come back to fight themā€¦since itā€™s a benefit to the horde Blizzard wonā€™t do anything because this has been happening since vanilla, so AV is a waste of timeā€¦thanks blizzardā€¦

Iā€™ve said it countless times, Horde is the default faction in vanilla. Blizzard put WAY more resources into horde compared to alliance. Heck, Horde have better quests options between the two contents compared to ally. Even if Alliance was made first, they abandoned there project on them half way through and said itā€™s good enough. Compared to everything, Horde are just ā€œbetterā€ from the development standpoint. Itā€™s kind of disgusting. And this is suppose to be a game inspired by Warhammer, nothing like it in my eyes. Retail is more Warhammer like. Classic is not.

Unfortunately that seems true.

I think all players are asking for is that the faction BGs be balanced.