Horde AB win rate=85%

not anyones fault except those in the prem and the lead.

If it happens to a faction or both factions*, you are welcome.
If ally premades vs a horde pug, horde does the very same as alliance would, there’s 0 difference in a prem vs pug regardless who plays what faction.

Maybe consider also why horde has longer queues.
hint: horde racials+shamans are busted, less people queue alone because of that.


You’re comparing premades to pugs which don’t have this problem. This is a pug issue. Was just in a BG that Ally was winning because they defended LM and actually took farm after! We had 3 shamans so it was unfathomable how that could’ve happened. Ally just has a majority of PvE focused people that are bad.

Ironically all of the enhance and ele nerfs , and riptide and earth shield nerfs, have only just forced most shamans to run 30 points into the resto tree while still getting ele fury and doing strong damage. So now due to blizzard incompetence of making actual dps specs of the game make choices versus hybridization, we just all play resto shamans that spam flame shocks and lavabursts and have more healing support than ever before.


You still yapping about PvP which is a balancing issue rather than a player driven issue?
Blizzard re-instated premades even if the majority of voices was a clear no, you cannot balance pugs with premades, straightup impossible.
Pugs do not have VC, preplanned strats, optimal comp and gear, all of which premades will have.

more gaslighting wonderful, anything else you got?

Tell me, what do the cata arena ladders look like?

He’s going to figure it out soon. Just wait.

Bubble is winning all initial engagements though. Always has

Not really, and I did my part against and with paladins.
If you can outlast paladins after killing whatever is at BS, you win. Not hard lol.

It’s doable, but it requires the alliance to misplay. It’s a huge benefit having 5 bubbles on a 10v10 at blacksmith. I was in some premades with good calls that knew to bait the bubbles and stall but that’s more of an outlier.

More truth has never been spoken. Even though Shamans are difficult to deal with they are not the reason we are losing so much. quitters is

Yep you don’t even see a push after a wipe at BS to any node anymore. It’s automatically take two and AFK to go next.

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Alliance are conditioned to trains. Horde are more aggressive and likes a good fight. These type of subliminal nerf threads are silly. It’s only been over a month since I rolled in AB from Era and the contrast to mindsets are obvious. I as Horde know when there is a call out, there will be fast reaction. And Horde plays the numbers better. Why stack 6 on 1 as example. Horde keeps their feet moving. I picked the right side. Most MMOs are like this regarding the villain types.

Not always, but in most pug games where horde manages to get a triangle you see at least 3-4 people waiting at the intersection for call outs.
When we got 2 bases you see at least a couple trying to attack weak side from the big group.
Alliance in the same scenario AFK at stables and spam the forums for nerfs. It is a difference in mindset indeed but what do you expect ? A month ago they were intentionally throwing games for faster honor.


It’s the queue times. If you have to wait 15 minutes to get into an AB, you’re going to fight to get every bit of honor in there that you can. Alliance only have like a 1 minute queue.

i’d bet if half of your team moved off stables you might have a chance

Pallies complaining about something being unfair in PVP is hilarious. It’s SoD. PVP will never be balanced and will always be a mess. Just take it for what it is.

Horde have 12-15min queue times. Every group is a premade. Premades have the advantage of comp and comms. Solo queue as horde is a nightmare.

Tldr. Make a PM and stomp horde. Pallies are capable of solo apinning flags for two deaths cycles from the spirit rez.

You arent citing real data. If you play PUGs as horde you run into alliance premades all day. Their que system is broken that favors premades into pugs and speeds up ques for premades. You can wait as a pug 10 min to get to fight a premade.

Generally though, horde has always had more sweaty players. Its that simple. Slightly better racials meant all the good ppl went horde. The racial difference is very small. In Vanilla, shamans were also better but in SoD paladins actually are better. Doesn’t fix or change the preconcieved notions though because you cant hotswap sides like you can in a MOBA or hero shooter, most of the good ppl end up on horde even if they arent objectively better anymore because SoD isn’t the static balance of 2019 classic.

85%? You sure? Not 84% or 86%?

It isnt that Paladins are incapable of healing but rather that a majority of our gear just doesnt have intellect or +heals and sheath doesnt give healing anymore.

Shamans can build with massive mana pools and massive spell damage with plus healing and do acceptable damage. The closest we have is Shockadin which requires a full set of extreme specific BIS Gear to do 60% damage of ret.

We can throw a few heals and then we are OOM.

The pvp set has int on it but it is nowhere near Shaman levels.

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All these horde tryna defend and say its balanced lmao. It was balanced for like 2 or 3 weeks at the end of phase 5 but now its back to horde just dominating. U guys can say oh alliance afk and dont fight, this is true, but there is a cause to this. The cause is and has been mostly shammys. Like imagine 2 shammies with 4 totems each and they both whip out those dogs, thats 12 different targets from just those 2 shaman. Cant stun, get hit multiple times from wind totem, slow the whole raid lol. Oh pallies got blessing here have 30 mana per 5 sec. Lol. They really need to do something about that cause thats a hella disadvantage, and yall wanna be like use ur bubble lol…yea ok let me bubble and go after a healer thats healing faster than i can kill him now that all the horde whining got my dmg nerfed. The simple fix could be to just make the bubble great again. These 100 and 200 hits aint doing it.