You might see others but you wont see me when you complain about how its d3 reincarnated and blizz once again screwed it up. And for wow i put in a ticket to delete my 14 year old account so i dont have to urge to support them anymore. Nthe only reason i would come back is not because of them but the time and money i put into the game.
Classic Andys: buying gold from illegitimate sources since Classic.
Blizzard: does something to finally deal with RMT, after years ignoring the issue.
Classic Andys: Get mad
Now Classic Andys will use all that illegal gold they bought over the years to pay the sub, while angrily posting on the forums.
Every thought that banning gold buyers is maybe a solution?
Would be wholly ineffective with how people launder gold nowadays. This is a 2004 solution to a 2023 problem.
You make the community know you’re 100% getting banned if you buy gold and people won’t buy gold.
They will enjoy every penny of the new money.
Blizz is a business adn they need revenue streams .
So was Bed Bath and Beyond, Radio Shack, and the Musicland group.
But no one wanted to be hocked for a cell phone everytime they walked into a store or pay 25 bucks for a CD anymore. Eventually that “revenue stream” isolates your original customer base and you don’t have a customer base anymore.
You use a record store company and radio shack?
Both companies out of business over digital taking over analog.
Blizzard AKA activision is trying to avoid becoming an extinct corporation by creating new revenue sources and the token works for them.
They dont wanna become Sears, Toys R Us, Circuit CIty etc.
You got nothing. Blizzard did the math and the amount of people that leave compared the new revenue is menial im sure of it.
That would involved not siding with blizzard though. They don’t do that.
Blizzard is not a retail store.
I’ll assume you do not know what money laundering is? All gold made illegally is cleaned through the AH, GDKPs, trades as well as throwaway accounts. What this means is that at most, you’ll ban throwaway account #6, while the majority of the illegal black market continues anyway.
I’m not sure why you think the “just ban lol” solution would work when it hasn’t worked not only in this game but in any other game either. The problem is much more complex than you’re myopic solution suggests.
Hasn’t worked because they literally do not do it
They ban 1/20 gold buyers, if that. The guys I know who got banned didn’t even lose their gold. Ate a 72 ban and good as new.
How do you know?
How do you know?
Ah yes, truly the word of someone willing to break the EULA is trustworthy. Moreover, I find it amusing you want Blizzard to ban gold buyers when you yourself have chosen to remain friends with people that “admit” to gold buying. You have contributed to the gold buying culture with your normalization of it. What did you expect them to do if even the players themselves do not care?
Blizzard is the one with the ability to ban gold buyers not the players.
Makes sense since they can’t deliver on anything since there is no talent left in that company.
No where in my post did I say or imply players have the ability to ban each other. Please try reading .
All the same, it’s Blizzard’s responsibility to ban cheaters. Players shouldn’t have to make their own justice in a game where they’re paying a monthly fee to access a service in which the EULA is expected to be enforced.
No one is saying players should “make their own justice”. You should try reading as well.
Not supporting a gold buying culture =/= “making your own justice”.
I disagree.
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