Hope you enjoy the token money Blizz

So which is it? Thousands and thousands of gold to buy 15 months of sub time or only a few hundred gold is all that’s needed?

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Are you the gipsy granny on every fair, that can read people with her amazing psychic skills ?

I wish I could help you but you are beyond help. Pathetic really.

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If you don’t like RMT and cheaters then eliminate gold in game and increase questing and personal loot.

You really need help professionally. I’m not talking about RMT I’m talking about your treatment of others in this thread.

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My trust for Blizzard is at an all-time low. I was interested in Diablo 4 and played the beta, but I doubt now I’ll buy the game now.

I don’t think there’s anything Blizzard are making that I’m looking forward to or excited about, which is really sad. I remember the announcement for Diablo 3 with the smiley face teaser pointing towards the Diablo symbol through the frozen ice and can still summon up my excitement for it.

It’s done and over, Blizzard’s not Blizzard. May as well come up with a nickname for them because the company we remember isn’t around anymore.

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If you have thin skin, don’t be on the internet. People don’t agree with you and you can’t go around policing the absolute minor of uncomfortable situations YOU think you’re experiencing.

Aivilove I guarantee I’m more handsome than you. Don’t believe me? Well I said it in a demonstrable tone so that makes me right.

Invoking anything about your real life in an RPG is the biggest LARP even if true. It may as well be false because it’s ridiculously easy to lie about it.

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Homie you’re a troll warrior and speak so logically and eloquently on a forum…I know you’re more handsome than me.

Yea, the billion dollar company has no responsibility at all, cleaning up their game. And now, after letting the problem run rampant, they swoop to grab their piece of the pie. Even though, it will have little effect on bots or gold buyers. That is not the reason this was done.

Putting the token in Wrath made me log in again after a year long break. This is great. I buy game time with tokens

I’ll see all you d4 preorder cancelling people on the 6th when you re-buy the game :slight_smile:

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Oh no doubt. You’ve never heard of a GDKP raid. Oh yes yes. The same players led Blizzard to this, no one reported, no one denounced.

I know GDKP raids exist, and they are popular. I’ve never signed up to join a GDKP. I raid with the same people every week since the start of TBC. So I personally don’t know anyone who admits to gold buying.

Also, it is possible that a GDKP can consist of people who haven’t personally RMTd. Obviously the prevalence of GDKP incentivizes people to RMT, but there isn’t anything that says someone who plays exclusively inside GDKPs are buying gold. I mean, if you start GDKPs as a carry, you wouldn’t even need to buy gold personally because you are getting payouts regularly.

If a drug dealer buys a luxury good with ill-gotten money, and the company pays their employees with that money, and then the employee themselves purchase a luxury good, is the employee liable for the ill-gotten money, even though they benefit from the money that has entered the system?

Warglaives of Azzinoth selling for 200,000 gold in an economy like Classic’s is a strong indicator that RTM is coming in.
For lesser things than those in Retail they close the player account.

No one is arguing that RMT doesnt exist.

No one is arguing that GDKP does not provide an incentive to RMT.

People are saying that the existence of GDKP does not inherently mean every participant in a particular GDKP participates in RMT.

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Hey that’s a great idea, thanks for reminding me.
Just refunded mine too.


Just because you have no morals doesn’t mean others don’t.
Not everyone’s life revolves around Blizz games.

Same i cancel my sub and my preorder of d4. Not supplying this company with my money anymore.


Well if everyone is quitting might as well give all your gold away, but nobody is going to do that. Let’s be honest anyone who says they’re quitting now because of the token will be back for icc - just like after the tbc boosts they were back for launch and wotlk boosts they were back for launch.

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