people leaving ‘en masse’ and dropping diablo isnt gonna do anything lol
Proof simps are real.
It is obvious that subs are declining rapidly so Blizz had to give JJ and add p2w to Wrath to try and boost its numbers.
Player created problem. Developer has the right to sell gold and not have RMT, a 3rd party business, operate within their product.
Doesn’t change the point that Wrath is now p2w and many players would prefer a game that isn’t.
RMT & GDKP …game has already been pay to win since 2019 classic.
Oh but the GDKP folks swore up and down there was no rmt involved. You don’t mean to insinuate those sleaze balls were lying do you?
Hopefully they’ll add tokens in diablo 4 too since people will be buying gold from sites anyway. Makes perfect sense.
This is called a “whataboutism”. Instead of responding to the previous statement in any thoughtful way, all we get is a “oh yeah well what about…”
The revenue does in fact belong to the developers, mental gymnastics aside.
That was then and this is now.
Also, no one really thought that there was zero RMT involved. The point many people were trying to make is that not every single person was buying gold, and that it was possible to get rich without buying gold (both very true statements).
You could just not GDKP, which also hasn’t changed one bit.
No they didn’t.
It’s the Classic Andy’s that have this insane ideology of how things “should” and “must” be, and as soon as something changes they lose their tiny minds. Even though nothing was ever really guaranteed in the first place.
And then they drop this “Spirit of Classic” line that makes me want to throw up.
Get over yourselves. And if this is what makes you cancel, the game is better without you.
Same with D4.
You played to level 80 with flying, game store boosts and purchaseable mounts. You have ZERO (0) room to complain now. Reap what you sow.
this only shows that they care about money ONLY.
lol sad
The company didn’t try to stop bots playing against their own tos. It’s a company created problem. They didn’t uphold their own tos so they could profit from morons like yourself down the line. Enjoy your tokens shill boy.
They used to have GMs and warden software to detect Botting. Botting improves their software and warden had to get better… and so the escalation went because of players being cheaters.
Cheaters exist. RMT exists. The developer should profit from the selling of gold not a 3rd party.
Can i have your gold?
Yes those click to move bots running into a wall for 7 hours are incredibly hard to detect. Gold selling and buying should be punished. They didn’t attempt to stop the issues. RMT is always going to exist but only blizzard shills think that blizzard should profit off it. I personally would prefer blizzard provided a good service. You seem like the kind of guy who would tip your barrista if he spat in your coffee while staring right at you.
Nah I’ve just lived longer than you, experienced more, and better education than you.
Blizz has combatted against bots, rmt, and gold buyers over the years and people claim they never attempted to. They have, but one thing that has never stopped is players trying to cheat. You kids need morals and accountability, and stop asking to be policed and told exactly what to do.
Does not change the point that Wrath is now just another p2w game.
Maybe you would of learnt to string a sentence together properly with all that education?
Proof is in the pudding. How much do you make a year off the education and skills you’ve acquired?
The only people upset about this are people who either buy or sell gold via RMT. Looks like you’ll have to resort to legal means going forward. The Horror!
Judging by your inability to form a correct sentence, whilst simultaneously trying to belittle someone else’s education, probably a lot more than you.