Hope all you M+ people are happy

I cometed a couple T8 delves as prot pally, guardian Druid, and brew Monk. They are fine. Go slow. Interupt and stun what you can. Get out of hard cast mechanics. Pally was 570, druid 563, mon 580

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Exactly this. I did my t8s on my warlock and in the last one she did. She couldn’t cast more than her instant cast spells because of the tenticles

skill issue probably

I know undocumented changes are a thing, especially with delves recently, but here’s the latest changes:

If you ran on that hunter, and used the Unbreakable Iron Idol, that may be why you’re seeing a difference in survivability. Maybe?

What delve was it out of curiosity? Some of the different variations (different ‘stories’) can be pretty wildly different in terms of difficulty.

I think it was the new delve “OP and the Search for Buried Excuses”

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say OP didn’t realize that each delve has different stories with different mob configs/goals

Did 3 T8s at iLevel 580 and saw zero difference in any of them from what they were last week 
 I suspect you haven’t been into the one you did so have no way to compare it to what it was 
, BTW which Delve was it anyway?

I noticed this too, but I thought it was because there are different versions (3?) of each dungeon. It also seems to change a little more depending on the level.

Add to all of that, the random mini-bosses that may or may not be there. Even when the description says they will be there, sometimes they are not. I’ve never been able to beat that guy/girl (Vero?) team. I always skep them if I can, or even reset the instance until they disappear, which they sometimes do.

Delves were designed as an endgame activity styled to be similar to other endgame solo activities that all were designed as difficult encounters. The Mage Tower, Horrific Visions, and Torghast as the three primary examples.

It being easy showcased that there was a flaw to it. It having progression, as in more difficult the higher you go, is the intention behind it. From what you are saying here and I don’t know if any changes have been made 
 but if what you are saying here is the case then it sounds like they are doing a good job at balancing it, as you are saying it gets more difficult the higher up you go.

A Delve-5 is not difficult in the slightest, regardless of whether you participate in M+ or not. And if you are looking for non-competitiveness
 well, Delves are an endgame pillar so it is designed to have some competitive elements to it but
 not in the way you are describing it.

Delves is entirely designed to be a casual introduction to PvE for players who only ever engage in solo play. Whether folks just stay within delves or proceed further is entirely up to them at that point, but
 there’s a hard limit to it. And it ain’t anywhere near a Delve-5.

My point is this:
Nothing about this has anything to do with M+ or any other endgame activity to do with at all.

Just did a T8 and it was the easiest one Ive done to date. Put Brann Flakes as a healer. The final boss only had 20m HP. sooooo

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From what I gather, the stories of the delves is in a cycle and that tweaks the difficulty some, could be that?

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Reading the little bit that was written didn’t change my approach. What changed is I used my Blood DK, who I have playing nearly exclusively for a week and a half. I have her rotation down better than my Prot Pally.

Keep in mind some delves have different variations. I don’t think they made them any harder

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It has a little bit to do with it when people are comparing the rewards from M7 being not as good as what is coming out of a t8. And those people are calling for the delves to be harder. If they made 8 a lot harder, it would remain a solid challenge for those of us who are looking for a meaningful but no ridiculous challenge for non M+ gaming.

And bottomline, I should have kept my concern to myself having not read the update notes or doing more mid level delves after that initial one.

People comparing m+ gear to delve gear are funny. If you look at the stats from delves the gear is FAR worse than what your getting from M+ regardless of what the ilvl is

I think you are right. I had never seen that variation. My mistake. The variations are not equal difficulty imo.

I’ll buy a token to offset his playtime decreasing.