Hope all you M+ people are happy

Last time I ran that one, I actually paid enough attention to notice that the flamethrower does a pretty good job of killing stuff on its own. I ended up mostly using that for the ambush stage instead of trying to AoE it all down with my normal abilities. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


I will definintly try that next time around. I think I might have struggled with my rotation because I was on a character I haven’t played in a while.

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Flamethrower is pretty nuts, it also burns the web off the earthens on later section.

Less clicking, more burning.


I thought you meant M+ difficulty got nerfed to match the easy difficulty of Delves.

What you meant is that the easy Delves became as hard as M+.

I have to confirm that later today.

They buffed them?

I did die once in a level 8 I ran. But I was too close to that train that crosses the room. You’d think I was small enough to go right under it, but no.

Think OP overreacted. Seems like it’s the first time they did that layout of Earthen Mine

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So I should be able to fit under that train?

Maybe, if that fails you could try Roll since you’re a Monk.


I did.

I was playing SQUIRRRRRRRRRRRRRREL crossing the road. And I didn’t fit under the train.

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Yup, that was my first time with that layout. I did it again with my 568 Blood DK and it was no problem. I will try it again on my Prot Pally, too.


Happy to read another unsubstantiated, knee-jerk reactionary QQ thread?

Nah. Hope there’s a lesson learned.

You and your lumpy head, just a kind-hearted, lumpy-headed hunter of demons.

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I’m solo clearing Tier 9s since last week with barely any cause to use my cooldowns

Written by the great and knowledgeable Icculus

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Just stomped through T9 solo, I don’t think there’s a problem.

That’s no fun.

Didn’t they already nerf delves a couple times?

Gosh could it be Dread Pit, the version where it’s supposed to be like that.

Happy to have made you happy up there on your princess chair.

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I completed my 2nd t8 delve for the week and I am still under the recommended ilvl for it. Which delve did you do. The Sinkhole is a cesspit today.

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