Hooray for Flags

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
Have a nice day.

If you want to post in general you need game time. A mode will not move this so your comments can be seen there


Please try and understand this:

Customer Support is not a place for general discussions in relation to World of Warcraft. That is what General Discussion is for.

Having no game-time doesn’t mean you can create Off-topic threads in Customer Support. I would suggest purchasing game time if you wish to create a general thread about World of Warcraft.

EDIT: Also, keep in mind, you’re free to use CS Lounge if you wish to go off-topic to what these forums are for.


No reason to flag it. You can ask but doubt they would move it. Would negate the need for game time to post in general


F2P accounts can give feedback/suggestions in-game from the Support menu.


Nobody here is against you submitting any feedback on the things that you enjoy, we’re just simply saying this is not the place to do it, and requesting for the thread to be moved because you know you don’t have gametime is not the way to go either.

If you wish to submit feedback without needing gametime, hit “ESC” while in-game, click on Support, and click on “Submit Feedback or Bug Report”


You posted, knowing it was the wrong forum and that Blues are not allowed to move posts for players without active game time.

Your little “inb4” is evidence that you knew this and your history posting here is just more proof.

Yes, it’s great that they lowered the level for flying. You should provide your positive feedback via the in-game feedback)suggestion feature as Ruffle mentioned.

You’re no victim here though. You even asked for your posts to be flagged, which if you ask me, is just like saying “Yeah, I’m trolling, but whatever!”.


Generally speaking that might happen if we were unaware that the account was currently inactive. We wouldn’t purposefully move a feedback/suggestion thread from someone who couldn’t participate in an active discussion.

As Ayukama mentioned, if you have feedback about the game you can use the Submit a Suggestion option found in the Support menu in-game. Inactive accounts have access to that.

Also, providing you with relevant information about the post that you knew ran contrary to this forum is not trolling. One might say making the post with knowledge that this isn’t the correct place is trolling. O.o