Honoring a Hero Quest griefing transfer

ya’ll heard it here. you done the Honoring a Hero quest? well, you’re screwed. it takes days for the mail to come to your mailbox.

What a great time to make server transfers available. No fault but my own, but would not have thought that it would prevent my main character from transferring.

Blizz, if you do see this please make a solution so some of us dont stay screwed for days.

Edit: Quest link


Confirmed with one of my guildmates - he did this quest right before transfers. Has “mail pending”

I did this a day or two ago and am stuck with mail pending :frowning:

That’s such a blizzard thing that it has to be true

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Same, cant xfer. We need a fix ASAP please.

To be fair like 4 people got transferred before the whole system blew up. No one can transfer now

This is actually really funny


Also stuck on this. @blizz can you please auto-send this mail asap? Thank you!

Also stuck on this. Just wanted to honor the fallen heros and now i cant raid with guild today.

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Do the community a favor and keep this post on top on the forums, hopefully a dev sees it and addresses it soon.

Also having this issue. It does seem that this was an issue in 2022 on classic transfers around this time. CS was able to clear it hopefully this will get resolved soon.

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Transfers are back up but we are unable to because of mail pending due to this quest.

I just wanted to honor our fallen hero now I’m stuck lol

I’m confused can’t you just delete it from the mail, or is it some sort of bug?

from what i read the item is in your mailbox it is just hidden for a couple days then becomes available for you to open

Also having this problem.

It’s basically a piece of hidden mail for three days after you do the quest, rather than being sent three days after you do the quest.

So it’s preventing people from transferring even though when they look at their mailbox, it’s not visible to them.

Do we know its 3 days? Couldn’t find anything on that.

That’s what wowhead said I think? Something like 3 or 4 days after you complete the quest, you get the horn in the mail.

Still couldn’t find anything. We will just hope its 3 days