Honor system isn't defensible

The point is to be unique. And your effort to be rewarded.
The point is not everyone to be able to have the nice looking pvp set and weapon and go around with the best gear. What will be your goal in game then?
You wanna look cool and easily get bis gear - play BFA.

Oh and why do you think it’s so cool to be rank 14 and people talk of it with respect. Because it’s almost impossible. If everyone could do it it wouldn’t be so cool anymore.
When you see someone holding rank 14 weapon you’re like “oh shoot”. If everyone could get it you’d be like “meh, another one”

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Stop saying this, it isn’t true. That is a mid-late BC idea and how the game has worked since, but it is not how PVP gear works in Vanilla.

In Vanilla/Classic the gear from PVP is a reward for an achievement. Whether that is earning a rank or a reputation or completing a quest.

Example, the Arathi Basin tabard is from a quest you get to get a 5 cap, after reaching Exalted.

Let me rephrase what you are saying so you can understand how it sounds.

“I should be able to grind out full Tier 3 gear from Naxxramas through doing dungeons and Molten Core.
People with jobs don’t have all day to farm for consumables and gold for repair bills, and all night to raid. Make it so I can play the game I want to play it and get the best rewards.”


You can progress and you will progress. But as anything in life you will progress as much as the time you spend for it.
If you play casually you’ll reach to rank 5-6. Going further requires more effort just like your daily job

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I remember quite clearly the strength of the weapons, as my guild was working through BWL when I got Rank 14. I was a 2H warrior and the only weapon that rivaled my R14 was the Ashkahndi, which is a Nefarion drop.

The problem comes in with competition. I got Rank 14 when I was 19 years old with no job or school. I slept 5 hours or less a night in my last 3 week push. It sucked, but it was awesome.
My point is that with raids you can set your schedule, you don’t have to deprive your sleep. Yes it takes a long time, but time is on your side in PVE. It’s not in PVP, especially if there are several other people trying to get Rank 14 the same time as you.


Not every reward is attainable by every player that wants it. That’s by design.


I think Rank 14 is going to be hard, just like it was back then. Now, this is only anecdotal, but I’m willing to bet many people from then had a lot less going on in their lives. Back then I was living at home going to school part time and I didn’t work. I had the time to invest in PVPing all night long. Now I have a full time job, I’m married and own a home. PVPing all night is a rare occurrence.

Keeping the game as it was means that nothing changed but us. Some of us just can’t put the time into it like back then, so does that mean it should change? So we can try to recapture that old glory? I don’t know, I would like to have an open discussion about it thought.

Personally I would like to update the game to compensate for people with busier lives, but I don’t think it’s for me and other like me to decide. Whatever happens, I’ll play Classic, I just won’t be a Grand Marshal again.

from what i recall, the average person who played classic wow was over 20 years old.
just saying.

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and if the point was to “Bring classic back and update and change it” you might have a point.
but the point is not to do that.

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This was the argument that killed retail.

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I’m not suggesting that the dial is turned to benefit more casual players. I’m just saying it might be good to have an open discussion on some of the systems. Especially something like the honor system which requires the same amount of time as a full time job.
Is there a middle ground? Can it still be challenging but also not destroy your sleep schedule?
I’m fine with the answer being no, I just think it’s something to consider. I believe it’s ignorant to just slam your fist down and exclaim “No!” without considering both sides. (I’m using the general"you" I’m not calling you out or anything).


The only features that Blizzard has shown an interest in soliciting responses, or listening to feedback on, are the non-Vanilla elements they’re introducing. They didn’t ask which AV we wanted. They didn’t ask if we want DHKs. They didn’t ask if Rank 14 was too hard.

Sharding, Loot Trading, the Content Patch cycle, RCR, these are all non-Vanilla elements that they added and want us to tell them how they feel about it (and we did… loudly). They didn’t ask if we wanted Captain Placeholder instead of a boat, or to incorporate Guild Banks because it makes the game easier.

That’s fair. I’m just skeptical is all. If the average player was 20, then that puts the average of returning player at 35. My theory is that people have more responsibilities now than they did back then.

What I think will happen in Classic is that there will be many returning players, but it won’t last. Some of it probably because of what I said, time being an issue. Some of it because the nostalgia will wear off. My main concern is that the systems in the game are just dated. What we thought was fun then is not so fun now. And I worry of a monkey’s paw situation where we get what we ask for and no way to make it better.

There’s a lot I love about Vanilla, but I also think there are ways to improve it. Not in the ways retail went, but I think there are smart solutions. If my fears come true and the Classic servers start to flounder, I think we should consider changing something. And an important part of that would be for the Developers to get community consensus on what to change, but in order to do that I think we have to be open minded and consider all angles.

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over 20. it was more like mid 20s. i’m just can’t recall the exact number.


I did the grind back in the day and got to 11 and then TBC dropped, I got a late start in vanilla.

The honor system sucked. I’m no changes and want a museum, but it sucked. We have what we’re gonna have though, warts and all. I just happen to view this as a wart where a lot of everyone else doesn’t seem to.

Post-Naxx, I’m all for your suggestion. I only ever got to rank 10 (on two characters; horde and alliance), but because of that I can look back and go “those guys who got rank 11,12,13 or 14 really tried hard for that.”

That feeling is integral to vanilla/classic in my mind, so that’s why I personally am against happening too early.

Then again, I’m a fan of the idea that Blizzard will expand upon vanilla in 3 years rather than go into TBC, but I’m probably 100% wrong.

Oh well.


If you think about—there were two years in between the launch of World of Warcraft and the release of [the expansion] Burning Crusade. A lot of things changed in there. What should we shoot for?

My favorite example for this is Upper Blackrock Spire. There was a 10-person version and a five-person version for most of that two-year period, but toward the end we decided, nope, UBRS is going to be a five-person and we’re going to retune it to be appropriate for that. Is that the right decision? I don’t know. These are the types of questions. There’s lots of questions like that that we’ll be talking with the community about.

I think my starting place is, the compass heading should be to try to re-create the original 2004, 2005 experience. That’s the compass heading we should be following. But there’s a lot of nuance there. Should we be using the high definition character models? That’s an interesting question, I think, that the community will help us decide.

That was also the interview where he clarified what “don’t want to manage 2 MMOs” means.

I guess J Allen Brack did not check with you before doing that interview.


And yet… none of that has happened.

Please name a single Vanilla-based change that the community has gotten Blizzard to implement.

“You think we will… but we won’t.”

And yet… you still wave your troll flag proudly.

You and Ion are in the small minority here.

Its not trolling to point out the flaws in your argument. Yelling “Your a troll” basically says you can’t argue the points on its merit.