Since BC launched, I’ve capped 100 marks and 75k honor 3 or 4 times by now, I’ve lost count.
I have a full purple enh set, a full blue resto set(I can easily afford the purple, but I like the blue one better), various purple elemental pieces I use for mixing and matching, A decapitator, a war staff, the latest shield wall, a couple of purple 1Hs just sitting in my bags because I prefer 2Hs, and a few other pieces that need not mentioning…
And now you’re going to give me even more honor, quicker?!
Let me tell you what a PvPer is. A PvPer is a fighter, a warrior. He/she doesn’t care If he/she is undergeared or not. A PvPer stands his/her ground against anyone, a PvPer isn’t going to grind a set and suddenly stop fighting; fighting, is what we do.
I… am a real PvPer, not you.
Get back to me when I can run dungeons again without succumbing to your cop-out of a transfer.
To those of you praising this, sorry to laugh a bit at your expense. I’m not opposed to this, I just didn’t think the honor grind was difficult at all. By all means grind away, more power to you.
And to you undergeared PvErs laughing at me all day over my LFD views. I’ll see you soon(in the BGs), I’ll see you real soon. I’m going to enjoy burying my decapitator in your head.