Honor NOT being calculated 3-8 AM

Doesn’t give back the 1k + RP lost
honor is whatever in comparison

New honor spy update evidence that the killings are not counted. He considered that we should have got 34k, and got 25k. And so it was every day. Thanks, Blizzard

If Blizzard is not going to solve this problem and reimburse the players lost time. I’m not just going to finish with warcraft, but I will also sue the company. I spend a lot of time, pay money for it and as a result I do not get a deserved result due to game errors.

The world boss was up yesterday morning during this time frame. Just confirmed from multiple people who was at the world boss fight that this happened to them as well. I recorded 151 HKs at the world boss, then logged off for the day. Logged on today and lost ALL of my Hk’s from that world boss fight. Pretty much if you play between these time frames, everything you do doesn’t count.


Screenshot from last week.


This Week HKs + Last Week HKs = Lifetime HKs?

Yes. However, Blizzard has already conceded that the in game honor report is hosed up. They profess that it is a display issue that they are working on as we speak.

The problem highlighted in this thread is about the fact that honor kills in the early morning hours are being completely overlooked when the daily/weekly tallies occur - they consistently don’t count into your honor and kill totals. This problem is much more profound than a “display” issue.

*** It seems Blizzard is being stubborn here. They want to bundle the morning honor problem into this evident report display issue. I suspect as they strive to fix the display fault, they will eventually see that the daily count (in so much as it includes kills from the early morning hours) cannot be balanced with the ‘yesterday’ totals until they address the early morning mess.

Apparently I am experiencing the same problem as of honor totals this morning. It appears that I am missing a substantial portion of kills/honor that I earned yesterday. Can’t tell for sure what kills as I didn’t track by the hour, but this seems fairly consistent with the issue others are experiencing here, as I was online earning honor starting around 5am central time.

This is the first time I’ve experienced this issue, and yesterday was also the first time I’ve earned any hour during the early morning hours.

Yeah you are experiencing the problem. Some of us play regularly during those hours, it has sunk in that the problem is real and very consistent.

Yeah I know it’s not a display issue.

The 400 or so kills missing on the display directly match up with my HK tracker / HonorSpy’s predicted honor.

Still can’t understand how a billion dollar company is having these issues with a game that was thoroughly “beta tested”.

I live in Japan and my regular play time is during these hours. I can absolutely 100% confirm the rest of these complaints that honor is not counting during late night hours. I have noticed this the last two weeks and just this last week my honor is off by over 20k of what my HK calculator (with diminishing returns) had me tallied at. You don’t need an addon to see the difference either. It’s clear when you PvP during the morning hours that none of that honor is factoring In at any point.

This has completely broken my ability to honor farm because my play time almost always falls in these early morning hours.

Blizzard, please fix this. It is not just a visual error. You are making the game literally unplayable for those of us in different time zones.


I was at 17k around 3 am and continued pvping till 4:30 am reaching around 25k. The amount of honor i made in these hours are complely gone.

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Would just like to report I stopped farming right at 2:59 AM, 382 HKs. After roll over I have 382 HKs. Which shows I have 100% retention rate outside of the 3-8 AM period.

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EST or PST and what time zone are you?

If you’re asking me, I’m PST.

At 3 am PST the daily roll over for honor occurs, last week I received my rank shortly after this roll over time also. So this is when a day is ending, 3 AM.

I don’t know if anyone else caught that your honorable kills, between these times, ARE in fact added to your Lifetime total if nothing else. Now that we have the reset, I’m missing about 18% of my overall kills from the calculation.

I don’t know man. Is honor being recorded at all during these times on your end? Because conflating this issue with the display bug just cost all of us rating this week. I’ve watched my morning kills literally evaporate once the new day calculates that evening at 3 am.

And if they are being recorded, what week are they being recorded in? Are they going to the shadow realm? Will we get them when Shadowlands releases?

Where is a Blue at least acknowledging this is a separate issue and they’re looking into it?

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This bothers me too. They could test it easily. Test it and tell us all we are crazy . . . or acknowledge that there is a problem and address it.

I’d like to reiterate this issue.

If I get kills during the evening to past 3 am server, they will all be listed under today. Whereupon relogging they’ll separate into today and yesterday respectfully (display bug).
From this point, all the kills I earn between 3 am server to 8 am server will be calculated into Today, along with the rest of the kills I earn that day. But once the new day begins at the following 3 am, all the kills and their respective honor from that morning will disappear from the new Yesterday. And now, while they aren’t accounted for in This Week, for some reason those kills lost do seem to be accounted for in our Lifetime totals.
And now that we have had the weekly reset, I can confirm that this issue doesn’t resolve upon the new week. They’re still not properly accounted for, though the evidence of their existence remains.

The blues originally responded to a problem where the in-game UI element was not updating at all, always displaying 0.

There is currently no issue displaying these honorable kills. They are falling under a time frame where they are not being accounted for daily or weekly updates.

“Today” and “Yesterday” are being seen as 8:01 AM to 2:59 AM. Any overflow is being added to “Lifetime” never towards weekly standing. There is no issue updating anymore, they’re all there. Just not being accounted toward weekly standing.


This is getting kinda unfair.

Last night between those hours I got at least 3,000 honor based on the estimates from honorspy. I had even more from the whole week.

My total this week was 3149… this is completely broken for those of us who aren’t main time american players.

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With the long downtime I am curious if they are just going to ignore it and that it has already been secretly fixed.