Honor gains need to be doubled again. 200 honor for a victory is still a slog

This continues to feel terrible.


I remember seeing a blue post yesterday where they said they were going to double rewards for participating in BG’s.

Do Wintergrasp and Tol Barad between Battlegrounds… You will be fully decked before you know it.


i shouldnt have to farm old content for honor. make the current stuff relevant.

wintergrasp is newer than ab / wsg / av. no pvp content is old content.


Recent blue post.

The whining that gear takes at most a week to get is unreal. Lmfao. Did any of you play TBC classic with final patch honor rates for season 1? This is literally nothing. I swear you are a bunch of zoomers who want bis loot tossed at you for minute in for nothing.


Damn these devs hate PVP lmao.


Random the key word here…I hate all BG’s except AV, WG and TB…so no were still out of luck unless we play the way they want us to…

Retail andies coming into classic expecting everything handed to them on a silver platter lmfao “WAHHHHHHH I don’t want to play a certain way, I want to be able to do whatever I want and get all of the gear” :joy:

stockholm syndrome

its 100% intentional to keep the queues low for random.


bro thought he was cookin with this reply but instead ya look stupid :frowning:

The whole game are old content. Like 12 years old content

ha, good one.

Just curious. How is any honor gear their bis?

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