Honor gains cant be accurate right?

That mindset is just flawed in so many ways. You say “earn it” As if its some rite of passage. Literally this is all just numbers preset by blizzard that have been changed many times. Your definition of “earning” something in this game is whatever blizzard decides is an adequate amount of effort needed, and if I disagree with the numbers blizzard chose then I will voice that opinion.

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i ranked to r12 3x, i know all about not being casual, this is just dumb to still keep in the game especially when we are making changes to the game for the better. next argument to make it so people cant have fun please


I walked 1.5 miles on Thursday.

My legs are still sore.

It’s pretty much correct, the honor you got from bgs in OG tbc was very bad also.

Theres at least enough evidence from other posts to suggest that the amount of honor you get per kill is not quite accurate. There have been posts from original tbc showing honor gains of 20+ honor per kill in bgs. I think the value from a bg victory might be close to accurate but the value per kill i think is incorrect.

Working hard and putting in the time to get the nicer things is not a flawed mindset. The best PvP/PvE gear is meant to be attained by the most dedicated players. So yeah. You want it? Earn it.

Not really a thing they can just fix though, even if it turned out to be some sort of bug or miscalculation on honor gains. Cause if suddenly they increased honor gains or discounted pvp gear prices then the small pool of alliance players is gonna shrink to an even smaller pool of mostly hardcore premades left that are doing it purely for fun. Leaves horde exactly where they are now on earning honor, maybe even slowing it down.

Wow that must be terrible… imagine being horde, having 45 min ques only to go up against a premade 95% of the time.

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Regardless of what it is or was, should be about 40-60 hours to get the whole set. That makes sense. Two weeks part time or one week full time or a long weekend double time.

Thats mybad.
I thought we were talking about the bonus honor at the end of the game.
The kills leave much to be desired though I agree.

Yes it is flawed because with that mindset you’re like some slave to whatever standards someone else sets for you. There is no concrete amount of effort or “earning” that is set in stone that is the benchmark. Again this is all just numbers that have been adjusted and changed. Did all the people that got honor cap in prepatch in 1 day of effort “earn” their gear? Thats subjective they just happened to put in their effort when the numbers were different thus making “earning” their gear an entirely different experience to those trying it now yet getting the same gear. If blizzard changed the honor to 10 honor per victory would you still say “oh just work harder man!”? when the expected time to gear would be 700+ hours of playtime. It’s not a unwillingness to put in effort its a matter of effort being unreasonable.


If entry level PvE gear took this amount of time WoW would have been dead a long time ago.


i fully geared 2 characters one season. i dont remember it being this bad

reroll alliance

This is why I’m not even bothering with the PvP set minus the gloves because they are actually nice due to the equip bonus. Excluding that and the PvP trinket the S1 PvP rewards don’t inspire me.

The one video of kills awarding more than 20.9 honor was taken early in the original TBC pre-patch. That was either a bug or display issue that affected a small number of players:

Honor per kill for all of TBC in level 70 vs 70 combat was 20.9 split evenly among nearby party/raid members or players who participated in the kill:


The only time a kill ever awarded more than 20.9 honor in original TBC was when a lower level killed a higher level. Here’s a vidcap of a level 65 killing a level 70 and getting 25 honor:

More vidcaps of all different ranks in solo situations awarding 20.9 honor:

Bonus video of HK’s awarding 4-21 a kill in an AB depending on how many people are around. You can see him getting 20 honor ticks for AB resources;

What patch was this in original BC?

There are diminishing returns on wpvp kills. These could be 2nd, 4th, or 8th kills. How do you know for sure these are first kills? Oh right you don’t.

No, but you’re currently looking at a 400 hour grind. That’s 10x the equivalent PvE dungeon grind.

The honor gains appear to be correct. However, by the time the population started farming honor we had 20-40% reduced cost on gear as it was s2/s3. Many people did not farm this set in season one.

We need reduced cost on gear, if anything.