Honor gains cant be accurate right?

Theres no way the way honor is currently working can be accurate right? I play on ally so i dont even have the que time issues that horde is apparently experiencing, and i also played AB premades on its weekend. I was averaging like 1.4k honor per hour thats just disgustingly bad. That means it would take around 50 hours of premade BGS on its specified weekend winning the majority of the games quicker than average with instant que’s to reach honor cap which still isnt even fully geared and only gives you that specified bgs mark of honor. Im really enjoying tbc pvp but the honor gains are just insanely bad and needs to be addressed.


preach bro. i spent most of the day pugging for about 6 hours as a horde player with these JUICY 45 minute queues and got a whopping 5k honor to show for it. We won half the games, too.

It’s really sad. What do you think the fix is?


to easily bring back the honor bonus buff from prepatch


Well honestly I wont claim to know the exact fix to it because my numbers was just a small sample size to go off of. All I know is my honor gains was doing 6 bgs in a little over an hour (on its specified weekend as well) and winning all but one which is way faster than average because not everyone is premading so you cant expect to win that often/fast solo queing. And even in that setting it would still take a completely unreasonable amount of time to get fully honor geared. Like literally over 140 hours just to make the HONOR for the gear… Thats not including farming all the marks. I think a 200% increase to honor gains wouldn’t even be a stretch for how far off it is currently.


The expected amount of time that is needed to get gear currently is ridiculous. Horde have to sit in extremely long que’s just to make 150-250 honor depending on the bg ( if they win) so it could take over a month of playing bgs nonstop and you still wouldn’t have enough to get fully geared. Cant agree more that this needs fixed.

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I’ve spent 40,708 honor (2 minute pvp trinket, 2 pieces of armor), have 15,809 banked, and I’ve got another 17,468 honor to grind. And that’s only for the 4 piece set bonus, not even counting the purple off pieces.

I’ve been doing BGs most of the day (probably 2/3 of my play time has been either inside a BG or waiting for BG queues) every day for over 1 week.

Not saying the honor rates are wrong, but it’s absolutely miserable as it is.

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who gives a sh**, it sucks. no body cares besides weirdos if the honor is accurate

ive been 70 for 5 days… 7k honor

…right okay :sweat_smile:

Yeah it’s pretty discouraging. Just ran into a premade and lost horribly. Averaged 63 honor this hour.

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Pvp in tbc isnt for a casual gamer either if gear aquosition is your idea.

You literally need to no life the bg’s and still not get much…

You’re not supposed to play for one weekend and get everything you want. This is not that game. Lol.


Honor gains are severly nerfed because of andycloud

They were working as intended before launch, and the blizz nerfed by a factor of 10x.


Go outaide maybe and get some SUNLIGHT?

So im a weirdo because i think spending over 200 hours of game time grinding honor is unreasonable? What kind of logic is it to just accept that? The reason the honor is the way that it is, is because blizzard decided that this is the amount we get. They can just as easily change it again if there’s enough evidence to support that it needs to be changed. So ya I do give a sh**.

Um… that’s what the thread is about. The OP is questioning the accuracy of honor gains.

You also shouldn’t have to spend over 200 hours of playtime to get it either. Thats why discussions exist is to discuss what is an appropriate amount.

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You want it? Earn it.

Apparently no one has ever played an MMO before.

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