Honor gain from HKs and objective are not wrong

Honor values are right. Sorry to disappoint you guys. I am bummed that super-Andy made a forum post that warned Blizzard of the situation, but we have to agree that honor gains were absurdly high and a fix was coming at some point.

AV week-end will nearly double the honor gain, making it around 500 honor per win which is more than fair. Time to grind :slight_smile:

I was getting like 1 honor per kill in AV


Which is intended because we are lv 60. The game works for lv 70 now. Look at the chat in the screenshot.

The player is getting 5 honor per kill in WSG which means it would be down to 1 in AV.

Cool, so if pre-patch was 10 weeks and I quit my job, and school I could maybe get a few items, sick.

Still think it’s wrong though, I played back then.

Since THIS pre-patch is much shorter than original TBC maybe there is an argument to make for a nice middle ground?

I agree that it would be a nice QOL fix to increase honor gain since it’s a bit low right now and it really look like an impossible grind.

That being said, current honor gain are actually the same as the “officiel” prepatch, so asking for an increase in honor gain would be actually changing the gameplay.

Bonus honor is correct. HK honor is not.

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Kill honor is broken as hell, either fix that bug or revert the nerf

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HK honor for killing a lvl 60 is completly correct. If we get the same amount of honor, for killing a lvl 70, now that would be incorrect.

It’s not. Welcome to BC where you had to actually work for your PvP gear unlike retail :slight_smile:

how is killing my rank 14 considered a private not broken? it was rank 10 2 days ago. You think giving scouts honor for my 10k HP warrior with dark edge is not broken? you’re wrong

No it is stop excusing for Blizzard’s incompetence, but then that’s how you exist as an endless shill

It’s just one of the sycophant shills that will excuse for all of their masters incompetence

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I guess unless you played yesterday, in which case you didn’t need to “work for your gear” since your efforts yielded 10x the results they would currently.

The issue isn’t this silly concept of giving a “true to tbc experience” since the pre-patch is way shorter and the fact that boosts exists throw that out the window, the issue is more that they’ve burned people’s motivations for playing this pre-patch.

It’s definitely not. Like Ownsauce said, the honor rewarded isn’t corresponding to the rank of the HK.

But like I said. It’s not official because there was a longer prepatch in original tbc so a little bump would be nice to scale with the time we have. Either way pre farming marks is still alright.

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