Honor cost : Beta vs Live ; an increase of 35%

fake news propaganda

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so i just get to be punished for liking to play an orc because of these bandwagoners? What a stupid reasoning. You don’t even understand that if they fix the queues by making horde fight horde, this could lessen the amount of premades alliance run into especially if they prioritize pairing premades to each other.

You are only defending such a thing out of spite and nothing more. You should be ashamed.

Don’t mind me. I’m just over here as an UD warrior waiting for the TBC streamer hype train to die down. I repicked UD warrior from my original toon in vanilla and had zero interest in min/maxing racials. I’ll pve this season if I have to. In order for it to get better unfortunately the impatient will need to find something else.

Dont let the door hit you :call_me_hand:t2:

If you think the catch up gear later in the game is cheaper and this will get any better at any point, I don’t know what to tell you. The older gear becomes cheaper, but that’s because it’s older gear. Kaivax’s example is the progression of discount for the blue starter set and season 1 offset pieces of gear. No one is going to grind season 1 offset pieces of gear in season 3 so it’s just such a bad example.

Here’s a simple example if you want to look at what catch up gear will look like and cost in season 4 (add an ‘h’ to the beginning obviously for the link to work) ttps://seventyupgrades.com/set/qYdTzcrZwKXPCS2F5jHJ5R

Just scroll down to the costs of gear and you can see how not only does it not get better, it’ll actually be worse. This problem is going nowhere, and honor needs a serious permanent solution.

Hilariously to their own detriment for zero benefit since Alliance racials are objectively better for organized group PvP across the board. Horde racials are for people that care about duels.

Guess I’m waiting until s3 for my off set. Unless they change costs to s3 costs but that’s not happening.

By season 3, you won’t want the blue honor set… You’ll want the season 2 gladiator gear, which gets bumped down to honor cost only.

@thread /blues
As for the time investment… Something is broken right now… In og tbc I had enough time to farm sets on 3 (pally, lock, rogue) characters during a season, one of which also farmed the off spec (shockadin) set to meme around with, in addition to bonus weapons for my ret set to weapon swap to… I’m unlikely to be able to farm a single set for my main alone during this season, at the current honor rates, and I’m still playing a fairly absurd amount of time a day as my job recovers from the covid slowdown. It legitimately feels like you guys misplaced a decimal point…


S2 gear doesn’t become purchasable with honor until s4, its always 2 seasons behind, s3 gear will cost arena points in season 4 but significantly less.

I remember the s3 to s4 transition very well, i had hit lvl 70 in tbc early season 3, i had been stuck without the expansion for quite a while before then and i basically twinked at lvl 60, i saved up a bunch of honor and when i got to 70 got the blue rep pvp set and bought a few pieces of s1 gear including a weapon.

I was then informed that when the next season comes out i would be able to buy s2 gear with honor, after learning this i didn’t spend ANY honor and just grinded bgs for the rest of s3

When s4 came out i had 75k honor and nearly maxed out bg marks

I dont remember the exact price of items but i do know for a FACT that my 75k honor and stored marks allowed me to buy 5/5 season 2 gear and a s2 2 hander day 1 of season 4

My character completely transformed over night

It will get better later seasons

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They definitely still had long(er) queue times, which continued until mercenary mode was added in whatever expansion I didn’t play. Most BGs still took over 20 minutes on Horde while being instant on Alliance

I remember farming S2 pieces on both my warlock and paladin and acquired all the pieces within the same season.

Yet, as we speak right now it requires spending at least 30 hours a week for 2 months to even complete the set.

We are talking about doing R12 / R13 commitment each season, for 4 season.

On the other hand, if we do pve, you’ll be full epic by spending 1/4 of the time in heroic and raid.

And season 2 doesn’t become available with honor until season 4

This is season 1 not 4

At least the r12/13 gear was BIS for most of classic. Hell, the warrior set was just straight BIS.

Honor gear is equal to normal dungeon gear right now. Lol.

As intended.

They don’t want people in s1 pvp gear outperforming people in full t4

But someone in full tier 4 will get trashed by someone in full s1 gear in pvp assuming equal skill

This isn’t classic where gear is just gear.

Gear earned in pve outperforms pvp gear in pve content and gear earned in pvp outperforms pve gear in pvp content (excluding specific pve pieces that can be mixed in with mostly pvp gear to increase damage on classes that can afford to lose survivability)

These honor rates weren’t designed with any year in mind, or any coherent logic in mind, or by people who weren’t drooling on their keyboards.

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