Honor cap from rank 13 to 14 is 419000 not 500000

You mean…nearly instant?

Ew. No i’m not lol.

I mean, he plays horde so obviously 500k caps in 20-man premades is pretty easily attainable.

On the other hand, on alliance with 15-min AV queues, 500k cap is very brutal. Also just in general the alliance side tends to have less premades going for people to participate in (or everyone is antisocial)

It’s almost like when you flock to the easier faction along with the other
babies players, you end up with longer queues.

Guess you can’t have it all.

I pulled well over a million honor with 30 minute queues. Ganked out in the open world between queue times. It’s not hard.

Well…regardless…the topic is about a bug. Not about the cap.

There was already talk on my stream by one of the lead devs regarding the 500k cap being reached MUCH quicker than expected. So expect it to go up in Classic+

Would prefer AV honor nerf instead of a cap increase tbh

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I main horde lol i just wanted diversity. I don’t disagree that 500k is quite easy in this meta, that is if you have short queues.

Im just point out a flaw in the system, from experience. The higher population will always be disadvantaged. The week goes on, horde players cap quicker due to shorter queues (and better premades IMO) , they stop queuing (unless they like to queue AV for fun?), alliance queues get even longer etc. Edit: The same static cap for both faction just doesn’t make much sense but thinking of it, might encourage more balanced factions. Either way, I’ve been of the opinion to just revert the changes (maybe add premade vs premade queues but that’s secondary as people would find ways to go around those limitations anyway, as we’ve seen in AV). But maybe I’ll have a different opinion a couple weeks down the line. The AV ONLY meta is what I’m crying about.

You have to admit that’s not a well thought out system.

I don’t care about the cap 13-14, should it be 500k? Probably, if you think about how the system is designed for every rank prior. But I also never plan to rank to 14 so my opinion doesn’t matter lol

Or this tbh.

The fact that AV is the only option is what also makes it rough. Queuing any other BG just isn’t viable.


This is 100% true. This is why we NEED FACTION BALANCE IN CLASSIC+ this needs to be the forefront behind every decision. We cannot have 90%+ Alliance faction for a THIRD TIME.



Ok we agree - I did add to my post though. Maybe that was intended - the same cap for both factions - to encourage players to play the less “populated” faction.

Sorry - didn’t mean to detract from the original post - idc about cap lol


Hmm? You said ‘‘eww no I’m not’’ but then you also say a bunch of stuff like ‘‘talk on my stream’’. What is your stream, if you’re not a streamer? Tone tag: genuine. What do you mean by saying ‘‘my stream’’ if you’re not a streamer? Is there something else I am not accounting for?

I actually predicted these queue complaints back in July. I knew the side with the queues would have a longer time hitting cap and I knew the queue times would go up for that side (ally) as the week went on. I called all of it.

That was back when everyone was all excited because the “mafia couldn’t control them anymore” and they didn’t think about much beyond that, and wouldn’t listen to reason. You’d think there would be some thought for the future but nope, just seething hatred born of out of an anti-social lack of desire to participate in a community in an MMORPG game.

Anyway having said that I think things to encourage faction balance are good. People were rerolling to ally to PVP when the queues got really long for horde at the start of tbcc before FvF got put in.

The 419k cap at R13 is a bit weird, it should take extra weeks to hit R14 at the least. Getting B2 for a R13 would have made ranking take like 9 weeks in the past, with B1 required at the end.

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None of what anyone has said confirms this is a bug or not haha. The cap of 500k just means that at any point during the grind there is never a point going above 500k. It does not mean that 500k is required at literally any point. It may be a bug or may not be, but the system actually works the same at every other level. There is no level about 14 that hitting 501k is providing additional progress. There is no CP15-CP14 in the calculator

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Streamer = sellout.
Streamer = streamer first.

I stream to meet like-minded people to game with. I stream because my guild likes to watch what’s going on.

I do not stream for money. All proceeds go to guild management(website and guild sub cost) and charity.

But, this topic isn’t about me. It’s about a bug.

I get you have a dislike for me for some reason, but try to see past your dislike for me and see that there is a bug in the game I am attempting to get fixed, that’s all.

Wat…how would this “give me content”? I would just continue to PvP beyond the cap like I have done for weeks now.

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While I do think the pvp system should go back to how it was; I mean… tell us you’re a man child without telling us you’re a man child lol.
Real adults don’t have the time to sit around waiting for a queue to pop for 15 min each bg and also grinding honor for 8 hours a day every single day of the week. Good for you if you do have the time. The majority of humans don’t live on a video game.

The irony of calling people “babies” for not being able to spend their entire week spamming some crappy snow map on a video game for hours and hours…
If cringe could manifest itself in physical form, you’re definitely top contender after that laughable “input” on the subject.

Does your mommy also heat up your hotpockets too? You do realize it’s not normal, mentally, to want to spend every waking second on a fake pixel game right…? Azeroth isn’t real dude. What a sad pile of organs lol

That’s YOUR CHOICE. Period.

The rest of the playerbase shouldn’t have to suffer because of your choices. If you spend a ton of time outside of the game, you don’t deserve rank 14. Period.

Your 15 minute queue is a side effect of you picking the baby faction.

You obviously misunderstood. You picked the baby faction. You aren’t baby if you don’t have time to play.

Ahh yes. “Real adults” = people who screwed their lives up so much they don’t have the time to do things they enjoy. Got it.

Where have I gone wrong?

I do not double-speak, and have no innate dislike for you. My understanding is simply that a streamer who has more pvp to do gets more ‘content’ to stream across the week. That’s all there was to that statement.

Some thoughts on what may have happened here…

Perhaps the system allows for too much mid ranks progression? Meaning they designed the mid ranks progression and did not think about the final rank? What I mean is, max cap for mid ranks can be 500k later on but at the 13 to 14 its not as mentioned.

What if the designed this for mid ranks but designed it with an expanding pattern but did not consider the final rank in that pattern meaning 1 of 2 things needs to happen.

Buff the amount of progression needed to go from 13 to 14 (probly this)


Nerf mid ranks req slightly so that 500k cap works for the 13 - 14 gap this way the pattern works.

If you’re confused by what I am saying just ask, ill explain it more but I think you know what I am saying.

The av ques are NOT nearly instant not even close now you’re just cappn…

Right now the ques are 14 mins and its 11pm.
At 8pm they were 11 mins
At 5 pm they were 5-8 mins

So sure 5pm is pretty good but 11+ mins I wouldn’t say is “nearly” instant.

It’s easier to cap alliance i think. Even when horde wins fast we get MORE honor than they do. The balance is like 60/40 so our ques have to be faster as well. How would it be easier to cap as horde?

So because 90% of the adults work jobs in the real world the game should be developed around guys like you that don’t have to work for some reason?

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Queues are significantly shorter on horde like 1-3 min for AV vs 15 for alliance.

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AV fees are nearly instant on horde. Go queue on Throwinhands to test and see.

I just tested and I got a horde AV queue pop in 30 seconds.