Honeyback Harvester Still Faction Locked

I read your whole post and I wasn’t persuaded to side with you. We need more exclusive items. If you want to ride the bee then the Alliance is over there waiting on you.

It’s funny because I remember all the Horde posters talking about how the forum is nothing but a bunch of Alliance crybabies.

Welp, here we are, Horde, here we are.


I spoke without thinking about rep and you’re right about rep factions. Ally have their factions and Horde have theirs. Its a opps moment I want to forget about now since I’m thinking about it.

I call it being a douche troll who deserves no respect when you troll and tame via bug that makes the tame go through even while you don’t have aggro. Blizzard should have banned every moron who tamed it while people were actively fighting it, as it was a blatant bug that lots of sites even addressed. People like you are why there is a still a stigma against letting hunters in Soundless groups.

Bad luck by you doesn’t make it “fact”. Source? I literally saw two Rockweed Shamblers within an hour a couple weeks ago while camping Soundless.

So as you said, try again.

You are also so incredibly dense that it makes me pity your guild.

The entire point that once again goes over your noggin is that the Horde has NO unique and exclusive mounts aside from Wyverns(which Alliance has Gryphons).

Kua’fon and Torcali? Reskins that recolors have existed and been available to both Factions since Pandaria.

Bloodfeaster and Dune Scavenger? Recolors of our rep mounts.

Undercity bat from the Darkshore event? Reskin of the DH class hall mount.

Shall we compare to some Alliance things? Priestess Moonsaber.Insanely detailed and unique cat(though is a reskin), while Horde got a generic and bland Bat(which is a recolor, not even a reskin).

PvP Season One Hippo. 100% unique and exclusive despite making no sense because the only hippo’s are in Zuldazar and Nazmir. Why mention that? Because thats one of the points you trolls keep spewing. “Bee’s are in Stormsong, duh”. Meanwhile the Horde Season One Clefthoof is a reskin from WoD.

You guys are seriously so dense it’s becoming a meme at this point. The Horde has NO unique mounts that the Alliance doesn’t have access to via recolor. Yet you guys continue to spew this garbage about all these unique mounts. And you also act like Horde has never got shafted by expansion mounts. Excuse me while I go count my dozen generic wolf reskins from WoD.

Lets see. Farm a low drop item(memento from honey elementals vs egg from Pterodactyl’s). Take item to NPC. Take to another NPC. Begin doing tedious activities while gaining pathetic amounts of rep to let your baby grow.

Gee, you are right. Totally not comparable at all. /eyeroll.

But, perhaps I should slow it down so you can hopefully understand.

The. Fact. Is. Horde. Has. No. Unique. Mounts. (Kidding, not gonna type like that the entire time)… It’s apparently perfectly okay for Horde to get unique mounts as long as the Alliance has access to the model via recolor. But if the Horde wants that same treatment, heaven forbid the world will end I guess.

So from BFA alone. Horde 100% unique mounts? Zero. Alliance 100% unique mounts? Two. Horde questline mounts available to Alliance? Two. Alliance questline mounts available to Horde? Zero.

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A recolor is still not the same mount, not talking about mounts for looks, talking about for the mount achieves. One faction should not have an advantage than the other for something so small, when there are bigger balance issues already.

Your Goblin Trikes say differently. Also armored Skorpion vs our unarmored one, and don’t forget your Wind Riders…

Horde DKs still get a Gryphon…while no Wind Riders for us…

We have to either pay alot in AH or farm a rare area drop for your mounts, but ours are just horses and reskins from 2 expansions ago…but yeah Horde are the ones wronged here…


Its alliance specific BECAUSE of all the horse and gryphons, or rather because we’ve ONLY gotten horses and gryphons

Goblin Trike is a racial mount. We can’t ride any Mechanostriders. So those kinda balance out. Armored Scorpion vs Lion. Difference being, the Scorpion models you guys can access(Klaxxi and Juggernaught) are reskins. Lion is unique. So that’s yet another 100% unique mount we can add to the Alliance list.

Wyverns(Wind Riders) = Gryphons. Those are obviously Faction exclusive. And if we are going to do the class thing. DH’s can get a reskin of the Undercity Bat, thus making that Darkshore event mount not unique either. While Alliance got an amazing high resolution Hippogryth.(Not unique either, due to Legion so those balance out)

Again. Lets see.

Horde unique rep mounts for BFA. Recolors available to Alliance.
Horde Season 1 PvP mount, reskin from WoD.
Horde questlines awarding mounts. Two, both available to Alliance.
Horde Service Medal mount. Generic recolor of a bat.
Horde reputation “gold sink” mounts. Pterodactyl reskins and recolors that both factions have had access to since Pandaria.
Horde themed big gold sinks. Direhorn, recolor both factions have had access to since Pandaria. Brutosaur is fine, it was a first for both and being the new mammoth, naturally both would get it.

Alliance unique rep mounts for BFA. None.
Alliance Season 1 PvP mount. 100% unique hippo. Despite the zoology(which is what they apparently base this stuff off, per the Q&A you all like to link). Hippo’s aren’t found in any Alliance zones. Only Nazmir and Zuldazar.
Alliance questline awarding mounts. One. Exclusive to Alliance.
Alliance Service Medal mount. Extremely detailed and uniquely designed Priestess Moonsaber.
Alliance reputation “gold sink” mounts. Gryphons. Still exclusive to the Alliance(unless you really want to count the DK class mount in all its low res, skeletal glory).
Alliance themed big gold sink mounts. Nothing.

The fact the Dune Scavenger and Bloodfeaster are drops off mobs is irrelevant. It means you guys 100% have access to those models via recolors. Horde has no such treatment for the Alliance unique mounts.

If you really want to bring up horses and stuff from two expansions ago, let me introduce you to my dozen generic and downright uninspired wolf mounts I got from WoD. And while we are on the topic of wolves, even the hyena uses the wolf skeleton. So that’s not even a 100% unique mount in name.

No one is arguing the fact that both Factions have been on the shoddy receiving end when it comes to mounts at one point or another. For Horde, that was WoD. Seriously, have you see all the boring wolves we got from that expansion? Not to mention the raid meta for HFC was, yet another wolf. Woo!

The entire point is that every single “unique” Horde mount(barring Wyverns and Goblin Trikes) has a recolor that Alliance has access to. It’s literally that, it’s okay for Horde to get unique mounts if you guys have access to them via recolors. But apparently Horde is unable to get that same treatment.

I’m perfectly fine with some mounts being Faction exclusive. That makes sense. But its downright wrong for Alliance to have access to all of ours via recolors. While we don’t have access to yalls via recolors.


Alliance actually has access to more total mounts than the Horde, so…


I would not have an issue with this if they released the bee at the start of the expansion for the alliance. call it a faction mount. the issue that lies here is the way this Bee mount was implemented. The horde have received two “non-faction locked mount questlines.” which allows alliance players to benefit. Now the alliance get a “Faction-Locked mount questline” in which horde cannot benefit from and that is Garbage. Either faction lock the horde questline mounts or open up the bee for both factions. Thats it! no need to talk about horsegate or any of your other alliance problems here. we are talking about the unfair Faction-locked questline.


id bee perfectly fine with the horde getting an exclusive Honeyback Hivemother


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Paladin mount count only makes a difference if you’re doing the collection achievements. Like my priest’s count would be like 298 and my pally’s count would be 300. I always trigger the achievements when I get close by logging on my pally.

As for the bee, I have no problem with it being only Alliance. There may bee a drop mount somewhere in the future! If not, I’ll just ride it on my Allies…like the Winterspring kitties and Darnasus tiggers. It’s okay to have unique-to-faction mounts.

The OP has over 300. You have but one butt to give to your ride.

ps. the bee looks fat. Bet he’ll get stuck in some of the doors in Orgrimmar. (sour bee syndrome)

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Tell the truth I’m not too worried, I have a feeling we’ll see more of them eventually, I’m just mainly pointing out when people are exaggerating, like trying to claim the horde gets more mounts, basically it’s even, only maybe one off now. But the list looks like Alliance has more because they count all the pally mounts too, so I try and stay honest and note that the number looks bigger than it is.

Eh, I’m a tauren, I’m used to door troubles. I’m more concerned that there haven’t been any datamined models for more hippos (and not the reject pokemon looking river beasts)

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all the people crying bout horde not getting this one mount pfft what about at the start of Cata? goblins got a turbo powered tricycle and what mount did Worgen get? oh that’s right NONE in fact Blizzard scraps the large pig mount they would’ve gotten and hastily tosses them the running on all fours “mount” then after many patches finally takes the laziest and cheapest route possible and just gives us a reskinned Stormwind horse

Guess the Pack Mule, Goldenmane and the warfront horses don’t exist, too bad as they’d give the horde access to our “unique” horses.

Found this on a web site guide. It doesn’t look like a bug to me.


You act as if somehow Blizzard forgot that it was Alliance locked.

It isn’t a bug, it’s intended.

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I said unique mounts. But reading comprehension is hard for some I guess. I, nor anyone have said anything about the Hordes ability to get recolor horses from those.

But if that’s the logic you wanna use, the Dune Scavenger and Bloodfeaster should’ve been two generic Direhorn recolors. But you know as much as I do, even if that was the case you guys would still whine about them being “unique”, lol.

Alliance unique mounts this expansion. Hippo. Bee. Alliance unique mounts Horde has access to via recolor? Zero.

Horde unique mounts this expansion. Hyena and Bloodfeaster. Horde unique mounts Alliance has access to via recolor? Two.

Alliance questline mount this expansion. Bee. Alliance questline mount Horde has access to via recolor? Nada.

Horde questline mounts this expansion. Kua’fon and Child of Torcali. Horde questline mounts Alliance has access to ride(not even a recolor). Two.

My entire point, which I’ll say it again.

It’s okay if Horde gets unique mounts provided the Alliance has access to the model via recolors. But god forbid Alliance gets unique mounts and Horde wants the same treatment.

All these threads and posts can be summed up as that. And like I said, you all keep bringing up horses. Boo hoo. We got a dozen boring wolves during WoD. I’d say we are balanced out on that.

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The funny thing to take away from all of this, is that you may think this is a bug.

This is not a bug.

It’s been known for a while now this is Alliance only. I’d like something else other than a horse, thanks.

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Being polite in a discussion is also hard for some but, shrug. Going to have a hard time in life if you expect everything fair.

Horde can catch a wild griffin battle pet, same model that comes with the plush. Where is my wild baby wyvern for free? Dunno and I don’t dwell on it.

Judging by the paragraphs you’re throwing around you’re super invested in this though, maybe step back for a bit.

If by “we” you mean “literally everyone,” then you’d be correct. Everyone got the same boring mounts in WoD.